Looking for a new holster to fit multiple guns? The Blackhawk Omnivore holster is an awesome choice!
With the use of a Streamlight TLR1 light you can use over 150 different handguns in this Blackhawk Light Bearing OWB Holster. Just attach the light and you are ready to go. Probably not the most secure option if you are looking for a duty holster but for range and training with multiple different guns it’s perfect.
We tested the Staccato C2 Duo, Smith and Wesson M&P, Sig P320 with red dot and all were compatible! This may not be the best holster on the market but it’s one of the easiest, cheapest and still of great quality. Check this holster out yourself and let us know what you think!
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tactical considerations blackhawk omnivore light bearing blackhawk holster review
#Blackhawk #Holsters #Staccato
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would a G19 gen 5 with a TLR-7 work with this? Or is it meant for the bigger lights?
My gr lasers light combo doesn’t stick out much like this holster ur showing Do they make holsters for H1L-GR laser light combo My light laser combo is the same size as my picatinny rail the light doesn’t come out of the rail
The camera work is exhausting… Just show the dang holster– we can hear him talking; we don't need to see his face.
I bought this a while back for range use or for when I get a new gun and I am waiting for a holster. Its not perfect, my fnx 45 and p320 sit pretty high. But for $40 it gets the job done.
It’s a little off putting to be 53 seconds in and you haven’t looked into the camera once. I get you have multiple cameras and that’s cool and all, but look at someone when you’re talking to them, and show the product TO the camera. I’m out, hopefully I can find a good video on this product 0 for 2 so far
good video, running a staccato p duo and a legion when I 2 gun, really wanted a holster I wasn't worried about the gun dropping out when transitioning. Going to give this one a try
Will it fit the x80
Don't work with canik SC with olight
Mine broke, the replacement came broke .I think I'll pass.
Name of the intro song
Do they fit compact 1911
When I reholster my glock I sometimes get a positive click but I also get almost like a spongy half ass click!!! That's the one thing I don't like. I've played with the retention screw because I figured I had it to tight but I get the same result!! Maybe I need to break it in or something I'm not sure.
looking for a good shoulder holster for the staccato c2 dou with tlr-7a. Any ideas?
Yo thanks for the review bought the holster! Keep up the good work!
I have that light on my Canik Mete SFX will that holster work with a full size 5.2 barrel
Can i use it for my Jericho 941F and Jericho 941 PSL
stop panning to the dudes face, we want to see the holster dammit.
Just feedback… Whoever that cameraman and editor are needs to stop constantly zooming in and out on your head. If you want to focus something, focus on the product. And, if for some reason you want to focus on the speaker's head only, then do that. Zooming in and out just gives the viewer a headache, distracts us and made it hard to see the holster.
will it work with TLR-8 as well?
Does this work with compact 9mm models with some of the smaller laser sight devices?
Anyone know if the Glock 19/23 with a olight baldr pro will fit ?
Why is this compared to Safari land? Safari land doesnt make universal holsters like this right?
is the holster only specific to these 2 weaponlights? lol
So the P320's trigger hanging out of the holster doesn't concern you at all?
Does a Walther PDP fit
Does Tisas zigana px9 will fit into it?
Thank you for the heads up on tlr spacer
I use this with the tlr hl. I needed holsters for my ruger 57, canik, and springfield xdmelite. I wanted a light on them and couldnt find holsters. This holds all of them with red dots. Being a lefty the tightening scree is no problem as i have heard of from right handed folks. Works great on all three. Nice vid. Just subbed
sometimes i think he thinks…hes john wayne!!! good stuff man
I need a lvl3 open carry duty holster for a S&W M&P Shield9 equipped with a crimson trace pro ll801g
will the Staccato P fit
Nice review. Who ever is doing the editing tell them to stop cutting away from the product when your demonstrating it's functions. Great job.
I legit just bought the QD attachment for it and yeah it's gonna be my last choice for a survival holster but as a range holster you can't get any better I know a bunch of airsoft guys who use the x300 light version one and they all love it
I have that same light on my CZ P-10c, so I'm going to seriously consider that holster.
I did wince when you racked out a possible hang fire round, instead of waiting the extra few seconds to make sure it didn't go off late.
But great video. I'm low income, so less expensive options are a help. I admit to being a guy that research for the best option I can afford at the time of purchase. But I'm fine with a piece of gear that works well even if it's not the best quality of all the options. I just want the best that I can do.
I admit that I'd tend to get a very good quality or go without normally. But I will sacrifice a bit on the holster if I can get a better gun with the savings. Lol