Researchers at Wayne State University use gelatin to demonstrate how AR-15 styles weapons create an “explosion inside the body” compared to handguns. CNN’s Josh Campbell reports.
#thelead #CNN #JoshCampbell

Researchers at Wayne State University use gelatin to demonstrate how AR-15 styles weapons create an “explosion inside the body” compared to handguns. CNN’s Josh Campbell reports.
#thelead #CNN #JoshCampbell
Nice to hear a doctor's perspective on the effect of different guns.
can bullets fly with the shell and the bullet still together ? wait, LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH OF CHILDREN 1-19 is… ? AR-15 Shootings? Really? Holy Shit.
This is why these incomplete people love them.
90% of shootings and killings are down using Handgun, like Glocks, not AR15. Handguns and used because they are small and easy to carry.
Banning these guns won’t stop the criminals either, they will just get these guns illegally like they do drugs etc, only stop the law abiding US citizen…
Also all guns cause damage and explosions so showing this makes no difference.
"Explosion" is a interesting way to describe cavitation and hydrostatic shock.
explosions without gunpowder. There is an example of the well known phenomenon at 3:36 to 3:38. As the cavity collapses there is a flash. That flash is an ignition as the pressure and therefore heat in the wound track passes the ignition point of debris in the area. This is the same as when compression sets off the fuel in the cylinder of a diesel engine.
exploding bullets LOL next you'll tell us that the AR fires a .50 cal bullet and is as heavy as 10 boxes you might move
Typical CNN hogshit! The weapon, at the beginning is an automatic weapon. There are very few of these in civilian hands and are all registered. CNN's inconvenient truth is that they don't tell the whole story.
A pistol round will not immediately "disable" an attacker unless the perp is hit in a vital area. There are hundreds, if not thousands of videos that show attackers continuing after being shot. There are, of course, videos of bad guys quitting after one round (the OFIBS response.) And, there are instances where an attack is thwarted simply by the presentation of a firearm.
We Know that home intrusions are often conducted by more than one person, and we know that home invasions are often fueled by drugs or the need for drugs. My question is which do you prefer when your home is violated by one, two or three criminals? Do you want a seven or eight round pistol that may or may not work right away or an semi-automatic AR with demonstrated efficacy? What will you protect your family with?
There are instances where rifles are carried at gatherings, to show support of the Second Amendment. But, when an isolated individual is seen with an AR, you can bet that the police are called in every single occurrence.
This great advertising for AR-15. Ill probably buy one for home protection.
Why are they showing a m4 and calling it semi auto??

Automatic and semi auto are different
Ban the AR guns they have no purpose on the streets!!!
A few points: 1. EVERY BULLET creates a shockwave in the body. Even a 22 LR will kill you. That said, 5.56 rounds are underpowered compared to .308 and 7.62X51. Neither round is fired from an AR-15. 2. The military is so impressed by the 5.56 round that it is changing to the 6.8. 3. ANY rifle round is more powerful than a handgun round.
Stop with the canards and educate yourselves. This is all hype and not science.
If you’re basing your cries for gun control based on stopping power, then clearly you are not going to stop with AR style rifles.
You all won’t be happy until everyone is just as defenseless as you are.
The very first rifle depicted in this piece is a highly restricted access full auto being used by what I’m sure is a 3 letter agency person or just flat out military personnel. That is absolutely not a gun that any American citizen could just walk int a gun shop and buy. Why show footage of an actual even more deadly weapon than the ones that are realistically available for retail purchase for sport shooting & home defense? Because it looks worse in the eyes of anyone who’s not going to look further into this blatant intentional miss informing over dramatized hit piece on guns that’s why.
This is such a bs video. Blatantly deceptive "reporting".
Some nutbar with military training is going to end up going to a high place with just a normal non ar style hunting rifle probably off about 20 people and then they will call for hunting rifles to be banned.
North hollywood shootout… Nobody died.
Stop creating fake news and pushing fear on the public
Ammunition types determine the damage not the firearm
It is important to focus on any technical inaccuracies reported here.
focus on the fact these weapons will stop an even more heavily armed government and replace it with your perfect government.
one that won't devolve into civil war and more death and destruction like in almost every other instance across the globe in the last 100 years.
why accept an electoral loss and vote again in 2 years to change the government?
violence is more effective at preventing more violence because it will not stoke revanchist sentiments.
AR-15 doesn’t actually mean “ass*ult we*pon” or “automatic rifle.” It stands for ArmaLite Rifle. It actually only fires one bull*tt per finger pull, and is not actually automatic.
Explosive devices are not permitted by civilians. Assault rifles can be reclassified ..
An AK and an AR both only went through two cast iron skillets propped up about eight inches apart, same with a shotgun slug. A 9 mm and a 45 only went through one. The S&W 500 handgun went through 3. All the handguns made holes about an inch diameter.
Wait till they find out what the most popular hunting round can do.
Why do Republicans advocate for children before they are born if they’re unwilling to also protect those same children from death at the hands of gun toting white, Republican, males who are conspiracy theory fanatics?
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It works off gas from the previous fired bullets for all the rookies here
No they are not known as assault style weapons and the weapon you showed in the beginning is not an ar-15.
Every rifle round can Pentwater soft body armor.
Comparing a handgun round to a rifle round is a joke. Again it would work the same for any round.
Standard capacity magazines, not high capacity. Reloading takes 1 second, if the gun jams it would need to be loaded and typically has a high capacity magazine.
These rounds can't pass through a Kevlar helmet.
The round they used for the rifle is called a frangible probably Hydra-Shok from the way the pedals exploded
I am not a scholar of the Constitution, but when it was written, guns were single-shot muzzleloaders. Could that fact be used to limit access to assault-style semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15?
Your are comparing a rifle to a pistol! All rifles for the most part do the same. Why don’t you dummies show what a 300 win mag does? You think that wimpy 5.56 round dose a lot of damage?? This is laughable! Your experts have no clue! All bullets cause cavities! Any deer rifle will go through soft body armor. A .22 lr can’t take your head off you shoot enough times. I believe and 30-06 would do in one shot. Shotgun would do it for sure. Depending on what shot load and how far away. I so sick of the lying media!! Push their BS! At lease be truthful about it! AR15 doesn’t fire a miniature nuclear tip bullet! Lol OH Lord!
Cowards are the problem, both shooter & cops …
Why is in civilian hands?
Doesn't make sense
Oh, but people need these guns for rodents.
The entire GQP is disgustingly pathetic and represent delusional traitors. Who claim to be pro life, until the baby has left the womb. After that, it’s everyone else’s problem that needs to be fixed.
First two sentences are b***** they are not assault style weapons and they're certainly not automatic weapons which you're showing so now everything that follows is more b*******!
Godly = love, life, creation / Satanic = fear, death, destruction. Which side are YOU working for?
Of course CNN is going to show a fully automatic version. Very few people own these, because they require special licenses and are insanely expensive.
That “explosion” you mention is what is called stopping power, which is what you want for SELF DEFENSE!!
A 'need' to have a gun for 'protection' is a fear driven want in an effort to placate a fragile ego. People who think they need an assault rifle to defend themselves (especially against prairie dogs – stinking varmints) need to get a dictionary. They have more fear than they know what to do with. The "God" they think they are following is what they would call "Satan." After all, the anti-Christ is supposed to come cloaked in religion, right? I like to call "Satan," negative energy – destruction. With "God" being positive energy – creation. That way it's easy to tell them apart.
That fear they already have is growing because they are believing certain broadcasters and pulpit dwellers, the spawns of Satan, who are pandering to their innate fears of not believing in God enough. This innate fear has been handed down from parent to child through every generation since the Dark and early Middle ages. Those times were filled with centuries of conditioning by governments forcing people to believe what they wanted them to believe under penalty of death. So each parent in each generation since then drilled it into their kids, "You MUST believe this" with the utmost emphasis, more than anything they are taught, just to keep them from being murdered. This mentality is still ingrained in our society today.
If you think this sort of thing couldn't last this long, a side example along another centuries old custom is the friendly wave. When we approach and greet someone, it is common practice to wave an open hand. This started out way back when to show the person you were approaching that you have no weapon, and that you are friendly. The military salute came in much the same way, from approaching knights lifting their visors to show their eyes and that they were friendly. There is no visor now, so they only go through the motion. Sigh! The good old days.
Their fear has been handed down like genetics.
I hate that these rifles are killing anyone, let alone killing our children, our precious little babies at school. School is the only other place, that we believe, as Parents, that they are safest, than in our own homes or in our arms, hugging them, telling them we love them and we will always, always keep them safe and they are always loved!
That is no longer true. Our precious little babies, know too, that they are not safe either. So let's share the Carnage on what these weapons of choice, the AR-15, are doing to their tiny bodies. Show what the Police, Coroner, Medical Staff, Funeral Directors and those forever, heartbroken Parents had to view. Let's show the truth, then maybe, just maybe, the Politicians will listen to the majority of Americans and take these rifles out of existence. Maybe more people will also understand why our Military Personnel are coming home with PTSD.

Thisnis a full blown fully automatic M16 which is NOTHING like a AR15. Nice false narrative for all the CNN sheep to believe because THESE idiots will legit think that is an actual AR15. Both look near identical and operate NOTHING like each other mechanical.
I own three AR-15 rifles and they are a lot of fun at the range with family and friends
This is why the Taliban was so happy when they were given all the military arms with the USA's messed up withdrawal. You survive a few rounds of these rifles, …, you are extremely lucky. I'm all for a one shot-one kill hunting rifle again, but you get these 40 round mags off the street hypothetically, …, you have to ask, what will be the next weapon of choice because with the mental illness in this country, the killing will continue sadly to say. The nation as a whole is lost in so many ways right now,….. https://youtu.be/7iNbnineUCI US Army/Retired/100% Disabled
What a bunch of bullshit. Leave it to CNN to have complete ignorance when it comes to firearms.
the only version of the 5.56mm NATO that could cause such wounds are military grade ammunition's. Civilians do not have access to that shit. Also wait till one of these sick fucks gets a AK and knows how to use it… what then?
Wouldn't it be much easier to harden the School campus, rather than having them wide open to the public, they could fence them off and put security at the outer entrance, they could even build Walls around them. How is just one judge got shot in a court house in the 70's and since then nobody can get into a court house with out going through metal detectors and searches, are judge's more important than children, are they more helpless than 5 yr olds or do they just have the power to demand change ?