An assault-style weapon found at the scene of a deadly shooting in an Oklahoma medical building had been bought that day, according to three federal sources briefed on the investigation. CNN’s Lucy Kafanov reports. #CNN #News
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Ar-15 riffles will be banned from the public
Well, it's a good thing this shooting was deliberate. Feel better now?….you idiots. That cop should not talk anymore.
He was a Biden supporter. Never forget that.
Here we go again
Ted Cruze, said.. people come to America because it's the safest Country in the World..does he still stand by that statement ?
Another phantom rifle that was never there.
Tulsa shooter was a black male
Its pretty obvious these shootings are set up. And they always end with suicide. Suree..
While the focus is on the tragedies of children being slaughtered in their classrooms and other mass shootings. There are other factors and truths about guns that are being over looked. The majority of suicides in the U.S. are caused by firearms. You are more likely to be killed by a family member using a firearm than a stranger. I am not making any suggestions about rounding up firearms, but just pointing out something that is being overlooked in the carnage we are looking at. It is really not that significant in the total number of deaths caused by firearms in the United States.
Get rid of all guns as the telecom companies turn your cities into hazardous 24/7 emf zones. You could easily download an emf detector to your phone, or just continue watching the ba al poopdick club on cnn. #yourlifematters
Now deceased suspect in Tulsa, Oklahoma shooting is a black male, 35-40 years old. We can now expect the media will stop covering this shooting due to the description of the perp
This is really on purpose the government and the people who love guns they will put martial law in place if this goes on and they did it as In deeper people. But the devil is real so God has to be to.
I have an excellent middle ground compromise. Since you guys say that an 18 year old's brain isn't developed enough to own a rifle, we will agree to raise the minimum age to 21. In exchange, all gender reassignment decisions will also be put off until 21, since as we previously mentioned, the 18 year old brain just can't handle this.
F*ck the 2nd amendment
dems Wanna ban gun ..then they go buy guns , and shoot at people.
Ban dems from buying guns.
another whitie doing a shooting lol
The pistol was for him, the AR was for everyone else.
For the last time the AR15 is not an assault weapon, but even if it was, no one has the Right to tell anyone what they can use for self protection, for any circumstances, and as long as an agent of the government has possession of the same exact weaponry, it's considered a patrol rifle, but if a civilian has possession of it it suddenly becomes an assault weapon. That us absolute BS!
The ONLY animal hunted with an AR-15 is a human. Alot of them.
What's happening to our country???
NRA is doing nothing to prevent these crimes.
Good guys with guns: 0
Dead people: some more for your gun rights
This is a agenda for banning big guns but also these gun shouldn't be in the streets
On 9/11 the mass murder by terrorists was carried out using BOX CUTTERS not guns. Criminals will find a way to commit crimes. Laws are for Honest Citizens
This is not about decent people with weapons – This about the other kind, and their easy access to weapons.