Home Nikon Celestron Outland X DEFINITIVE Field Review #69

Celestron Outland X DEFINITIVE Field Review #69


The BASIC Class:

Get the Optica Exotica binoculars VIDEO collection–two video classes of multiple short videos to choose from to watch according to your pace and needs.

Many videos to choose from here to watch for fun and knowledge, this includes the BASIC class’ videos and much more comparing Zeiss, Leica, and Swarovski, the best binoculars for birding/hunting/travel, important differences between brands and models, care and tricks for confidently buying and inspecting binoculars, plus ocean reviews and head-to-head comparisons of top tier bins.

The BASIC Class:

What are the best binoculars for $1000, $500, $250? These videos detail what you can choose across prices, and what to expect in terms of quality.

Optica Exotica field tests the Celestron Outland X binoculars in 10×42. Are these cheap binoculars useful for you? Can you start birding with cheap binoculars? Are cheap binoculars even useful??

These would be a good packup pair of binoculars for a trip.


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  1. Hey, I found you when I was trying to get my head around what binoculars to get for long distance Watersports (200-500m) and general viewing. I am surprised how few actually review the binoculars out in the field and show the view through them and the hands on feel of them. The videos you make, make a lot of difference. You are doing great work with your reviews!! 
    I am buying an entry level binos to get going. I have ordered the Diamondback 10×50 and a pair of Carson RD 10×50 to compare. Any other entry level binos you fancy? Should I go for 12×50? I saw the tripod setup you have and I really liked the SIRUI "ball" head and your snap zoom mount. Can you tell me how it works if you adjust the binos to your face/eyes and then strap them on. Will the strap pull them flat and they go out of setting or can they stay on at any setting one likes? I was thinking the snap zoom mount would be a lot steadier than the other thin L shaped ones sold. Could be interesting with a review of your tripods! Thanks for your input!

  2. Any chance you can do a video showing image scale at various distances and magnification. Love to see what animals or people look like in 8x/10x/15x at distances of 1/2/3 miles

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