Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Ask Your Representative to Support Pro-Hunting Amendment to House...

NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Ask Your Representative to Support Pro-Hunting Amendment to House Omnibus Bill


Today, your State Representative will consider amending Senate File 4062 to include important pro-hunting, Amendment 14.  Please contact your State Representative and ask them to SUPPORT Amendment 14 to Senate File 4062.

Amendment 14 would remove shotgun only zones in Minnesota for deer hunting.  This important pro-hunting amendment would open up opportunities for individuals to enjoy one of America’s oldest traditions and bring younger generations into it.  Further, Amendment 14 fixes previous language that would have created a carve out for two counties in Minnesota.

Again, please contact your State Representative and ask them to SUPPORT Amendment 14 to SF 4062.

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