Home AR-15 The SCAR 16S , Can it compete with high end AR15's?

The SCAR 16S , Can it compete with high end AR15's?


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The SCAR-L / SCAR 16S in 5.56 is such an interesting weapon. It came at a time when the M-4’s reputation was dubious amongst many in the Military community. Although the SCAR-L ultimately fell out of usage with the Military it is still none the less in usage amongst certain units in the US Military such as the 75th Ranger Regiment.

00:00 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S awesome intro
01:12 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S intro
02:22 SCAR-L Full Disclosures on business relationships
03:10 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S Review Begins
03:47 SCAR-L muzzle device / suppressor
05:56 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S barrel
07:22 no problem with long range shots
09:00 SCAR-L / SCAR16S Handguard (PMM Upgrades)
10:38 SCAR-L Non Reciprocating Charging Handle
12:03 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S Very Long Stroke Gas Piston system
13:29 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S Longevity of parts
14:37 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S controls
16:10 Weird cheap grip / crap trigger
17:41 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S Iron Sights
18:20 SCAR-L / SCAR 16S Ugg Boot Stock
19:58 Final thoughts on the SCAR-L / SCAR 16S


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  1. For chrissake, give the man a glass of water – those mics are hardcore picking up on every dehydrated lip smack… makes it hard to concentrate on what he’s actually saying, fr fr

  2. Agreed on the fitness portion, I've been steadily losing weight over the past few months just by being more active, eating healthier, and fixing my sleep schedule with an alarm clock. I work 10 hours days, eat mostly chicken and rice, and drink almost exclusively water and tea sweetened with honey, I've stopped using sugar years ago. I dropped from my heaviest weight at just under 230 down to 210 lbs, and I'm shooting for 190 lbs by the end of the year as long as I keep with my healthy eating and activity. Oh also, screw paying $3k for that rifle, I say while also contemplating dropping $1.8k on a ZEV Gucci Glock that I honestly don't need but really want as my first handgun. (For clarification, I have shot pistols before, but have never owned one personally. So I'm thinking go big or go home)

    Edit: Also, last week my Task Force 69 Shirt came in the mail, and I bought in as a little celebration on my weight loss now that I can wear size Large T-shirts comfortably again. Just wanted to let you know I'm out here supporting any way I can. Also I have come to love the shirt so much that it's my favorite out of my entire wardrobe, 100% worth getting to the point that I may get another in Army Green just to have both.

  3. Hell nah FN Rifles are shit there is a reason the military doesn't like em nor like talking about them or shooting them and if a gun isn't fun to talk about and shoot then it's ass end of story. Now I'm sure in video games or to someone that likes them sure it'll be fun but that isn't everyone

  4. Despite all the talk of the reciprocating charging handle, I will forever love my 17S, not sure I'd ever buy a 16S a the price when you can get a 17S for roughly the same price. Good video as usual.

  5. I once showed my wife(who doesn't know anything about guns or gun meme culture) a picture of a SCAR, pointed to the stock and asked her, "what does that look like?". She immediately replied, "an Ug Boot?".

  6. The gun is just so goddamn heavy in comparison to an AR I rented one out for a few hours at a local range and put it through the paces I think i had the 7.62×51 version (the Scar-H?) it was not a joy to fire from a standing position. I had the same complaint about the ACR which shockingly my range also had

  7. You should make more videos that are like your montages intros, but longer and that be the whole video. Like 5 minute montages of how you normally start your videos. I love your channel, but the best part is always the beggining.

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