Home AR-15 BCM Training Tip: How to load your AR

BCM Training Tip: How to load your AR


A quick training tip, presented by Bravo company USA, on how to properly load your AR. Make sure you watch Inside the M4 Carbine:

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  1. Wrong! He could have just broken his charging handle🤦🏻‍♂️ lock bolt back, insert magazine, hit bolt release and fire👍🏻 Never let the charging handle slam with the bolt. That’s the civilian way. You’ll get by with it on the rang for a while. If you were in battle do not do this.

  2. I've seen some times with AR15 platforms where it is an empty gun being loaded. After inserting a full magazine, the charging handle is not pulled back, instead the user slaps something on the left side of the rifle. would that chamber a round?

  3. As a girl who doesn’t really know much, and this being possibly an emergency – thank you. I’ll know if the intruder comes near the footstep of my house – load my gun, turn off the safety, point and shoot.

  4. Quick question: about the stance, it won't affect me even if i have a weak body right? I'm kinda skinny so when i saw your huge body getting shookt by the impact of the gun, i just can't help but be worried

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