Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Vermont: Vetoed Gun Bill Resurrected and Advancing Quickly

NRA-ILA | Vermont: Vetoed Gun Bill Resurrected and Advancing Quickly


Politics is about math, and the math always dictates the outcome.  Anti-gun Democrats in the Vermont House simply don’t appear to have the votes to override the Governor’s veto of S.30.  As a result, Montpelier politicians, who are determined to pass a gun bill this session, have had to devise a workaround.  S.30 originally began as a “location restriction” for hospitals, but evolved into an Omnibus Gun Control Bill.  One of the focal points of the legislation expanded NICS delayed background checks indefinitely.  It also expanded the state’s red flag law.  Gov. Phil Scott thankfully vetoed the session’s signature gun-control bill.  However, he also indicated he would support a 7-day wait on delayed NICS checks.   The Governor’s message telegraphed to the Legislature that there was an opportunity to pass gun control, and they quickly responded.   

Last week, the Senate passed S.4, which makes a slight alteration to S.30, opting for the 7-day waiting period and keeping the rest of the bill’s bad provisions in place.  This week, S.4 is being rubber stamped out of the House Judiciary Committee, and it will quickly come to a full vote of the Vermont House.  

Your urgent action is once again requested.  Only sustained pressure from Vermont gun owners will reinforce our position that this bill is in no way “improved,” and it will also signal to the Governor that he should once again use his veto pen if S.4 passes.  

Please contact your House members today and politely request that they vote “No” to S.4.

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