Home AR-15 Leviathan Ragnarok 4.5" AR Pistol Review : White Label Armory

Leviathan Ragnarok 4.5" AR Pistol Review : White Label Armory


Leviathan Ragnarok 4.5″ Barrel AR Pistol Review. This is produced by White Label Armory and a compact package. #LeviathanDefense #Whitelabelarmory #Ragnarok

***This video was produced at a professional Range under all Safety protocols. Firearm not for sale or offered for sale.

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  1. I watched ALL the way through… and you didn't answer what I assume is a HUGE question many people have: Exactly how loud are these? How is the pressure wave? Is it only bad for people around the shooter or for the shooter her/himself as well? How does it compare to other standard barrel lengths like 10.5" and 16"?

  2. Seeing you guys hold it like a carbine is hilarious when I know it's about the same size from castle nut to muzzle tip as a S&W 500mag and I think of how much easier it'd be to control by just the pistol grip than that revolver monster.

  3. 😆 I love how with every AR pistol, it's supposed to be a pistol and you can one hand it, but everybody always just shoulders them anyways.
    I wanted to see him brace it to his arm and one hand it like they all expect us to, even if you do feel silly; just to say you can shoot it like a one hand pistol

  4. A 55gr projectile at 1650fps literally has LESS energy than a standard pressure 124gr 9mm JHP @ 1150fps (333ft/lbs for the 5.56 to the 9mm's 364 ft/lbs), and 1150fps would be a totally reasonable muzzle velocity to see for 9mm out of a 4.5" barrel. While admittedly very cool looking, this particular configuration seems almost useless, you'd get much MUCH better terminal ballistic performance doing exactly the same build in 9mm and running quality JHP ammo through it.

  5. so its nothing more than a AR pistol trying to be a rifle. close range shooting, i wouldn't use it for home defense, maybe just a fun shooting range gun, take to the range to let relieve some stress, sounds loud and looks like you can't send a lot of rounds through it without having to clean every so often,

  6. For that price I already save more than their asking price. About 19 inch muzzel to butt it's small enough. Could it be pistol or sbr? If SHTF real time I'm using it as my cqb/cqr which will be a 2nd back-up but carry on. With the m16 lpk and suppressor it's a great combo. No worries…
    Anyhow the BCG is more from psa a lot of their BCG has that type of in print on the bolt face. I'm not saying that a company only make it for one company only but I can say psa was the 1st because I look it up and no one has really talk about but it and it only show up psa.

  7. Thanks for the review. This answers many questions such as why arent there any barrels under 7inch for 556 oh cuz it has less power than a 22tcm handgun……burn…
    Lost all excitement for the idea with the numbers.

  8. I always like the short or shorter barreled pistols because they're easy to handle and are really convenient for CQB. In a home defense situation I want a short barrel, and since my house isn't thousands of feet long, the velocity and distance are just fine.

  9. At 1650 fps with a 55 grain bullet; is that enough kinetic energy at about 332 foot pounds of kinetic energy to allow the 55 grain 5.56 bullet to expand and do damage to the body. I'd like to see some ballistic gel testing on this pistol.

  10. Nice… but in my opinion…. when you have a pistol type this short (which I can’t own where I live) I think you really need a fore grip of some sort to to keep your hand from accidentally getting in front of that barrel. It’s just to easy for someone’s hand to slip out front… especially a novice shooter.
    Keep up the GREAT videos!!

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