Home Nikon Best Rifle Scope Under $500: 10 scopes tested head-to-head

Best Rifle Scope Under $500: 10 scopes tested head-to-head


I bought 10 rifle scopes to give you a completely unbiased review of the best rifle scopes under $500. The scopes considered are all approximately 4-14 magnification, which is very common for a hunting and general purpose field scope.

Best Overall Scope:
Best Lightweight, Capped Scope:
Second Place for Lightweight, Capped Scope:
Best Target or Competition Scope: Arken 4-16×50 MIL


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Special thanks to Blackhound for sending me their scope to review when I wasn’t able to purchase one since they were out of stock. Blackhound is a great company with excellent customer support. I suspect the copy I received is an outlier with the top turret problem. I will continue to support them in the future.

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  1. I did my best to give good reasoning to support my personal choices for the winners here, but seriously these are all good quality scopes. If you end up with an Athlon, Primary Arms, Leupold, or any other because of your personal preferences, you’ll have a good scope too.

    Also, I really think I just got an unlucky copy of a Blackhound. There are tons of positive reviews of Blackhound scopes, so don’t let my experience dissuade you from working with a great company like Blackhound. However, I had to be honest about the flaws I experienced with mine.

  2. Makes me feel good when I already have a diamondback tactical, i haven't had to chance to get behind tons of different scopes but you will not be disappointed with the tactical

  3. What you say about Cabila Covenent 6×24 FFP . To go on 30-06 Ultralight for 200- 500 yard using Nosler LRAB handloads .
    Pick that up on 50% off sale . I am Vortex Strike eagle fan, got some Vortex DB and Leupod but can not pass such nice price for FPP .

  4. Great review!!! Also found it really interesting the Vortex passed all the abuse testing. I own a bunch of Vortex and haven't had issues. In long range groups all you hear is Vortex has a great warranty cuz you will need it. This was great info on the Athlons since I've been wanting to test one out

  5. Can you be honest with me ? Do you think your a good person? Yes ? How many lies have you told in your life, have you stolen something, even if it’s little ? Have you ever used Gods name in vain ? Jesus said whoever looks at a women to lust for her has committed adultery with her in his heart, have you look with lust? I’m sure we have broken these commandments. So by your own admission via your conscious you have admitted to being a lying thieving blasphemous adulterer at heart do you still think your a good person ? You have to stand before God on judgment day, now if He judges you by those Ten Commandments do you think you’ll be innocent or guilty? Sin is so serious to God that He gives us capital punishment, death for our sins. The Bible says for the wages of sin is death, we earn death because we sin against God. But God provided a way out of hell. God "Jesus" in the flesh lived a perfect sinless life and paid our fine we owed God from our sins by suffering and dying on the
    cross. And on the third day He rose from the grave and defeated death, it was impossible that death could hold Him. And if you want to be saved you must repent of all your sins "which means turn from them"and not live a hypocritical life which means you say, I'm a Christian but still lie, steal and fornicate, and you must trust alone in Jesus not in good works or you being a good person and the Bible says God will give you everlasting life. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭1:9‬ Please think about your eternity. Love you guys.

  6. CCan you be honest with me ? Do you think your a good person? Yes ? How many lies have you told in your life, have you stolen something, even if it’s little ? Have you ever used Gods name in vain ? Jesus said whoever looks at a women to lust for her has committed adultery with her in his heart, have you look with lust? I’m sure we have broken these commandments. So by your own admission via your conscious you have admitted to being a lying thieving blasphemous adulterer at heart do you still think your a good person ? You have to stand before God on judgment day, now if He judges you by those Ten Commandments do you think you’ll be innocent or guilty? Sin is so serious to God that He gives us capital punishment, death for our sins. The Bible says for the wages of sin is death, we earn death because we sin against God. But God provided a way out of hell. God "Jesus" in the flesh lived a perfect sinless life and paid our fine we owed God from our sins by suffering and dying on the
    cross. And on the third day He rose from the grave and defeated death, it was impossible that death could hold Him. And if you want to be saved you must repent of all your sins "which means turn from them"and not live a hypocritical life which means you say, I'm a Christian but still lie, steal and fornicate, and you must trust alone in Jesus not in good works or you being a good person and the Bible says God will give you everlasting life. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭1:9‬ Please think about your eternity. Love you guys

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