Home AR-15 Blast Off Mondays: AR-15 with Green Tip Ammo vs. Cooler Filled with...

Blast Off Mondays: AR-15 with Green Tip Ammo vs. Cooler Filled with Water


This week on blast off Mondays, Myles, the Founder of Tactical Hyve, will be shooting a 8×7 cooler filled with water from 25-yards away using an AR-15 and green tip ammo.

Will the bullet penetrate through the water and the cooler?

If you picked right in the comments section of our last video, we will announce the winner of the random drawing next Monday!

For next week, we’re shooting an iron cast skillet with 125 gr 9mm from 7-yards using a GLOCK 19. Will it go through?

Leave your answer in the comments below. If you answer correctly, we’ll enter you into a random drawing to win a prize!

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  1. Honestly I can never get enough drywall testing videos either, I love how 223/556 drywall penetration should be a settled topic by now but so many people still assume various incorrect things. It is little complicated as results vary greatly with different bullet types and velocities but still a fun test, especially when you show specific loads that end up penetrating less then any defensive pistol round as well as buckshot. Run at least 3 walls, each wall being 2 sheets of drywall spaced 6 inches apart

  2. A 12” cast iron pan will stop a JHP 9mm. Anything smaller it will go through. So a double answer depending on the pan used. 12” will stop, 10” or less cast iron will not stop.

  3. Green tip ammo will go through pretty much anything that isn't designed specifically to stop bullets from quite a distance and penetrate a couple of feet or more. And yes, the 9mm will easily penetrate a cast iron skillet. A .22 wmr can do that.

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