Home AR-15 Del Ton Ar 15 Pistol 5.56

Del Ton Ar 15 Pistol 5.56

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  1. I'm not gonna lie after I built my first one I was the same way playing with it thinking how badass it was and shit 😂. After having it for like 4 years now I barely even touch it.

  2. It's just not all that practical is it? I mean AR pistols are cool I guess. But you're taking a fairly accurate platform and removing all of the bits that make it effective at range.
    I know someone is going to say it's a good truck gun. But I defy you to show that you can draw this from a concealed position in a car faster than a pistol

  3. All of your safety is awful man, get some lessons or something and learn to keep your weapon on safe when you’re not firing it. Not to mention the muzzle discipline or lack thereof

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