Home AR-15 Bushmaster Carbon 15 Accuracy Test – Part 1

Bushmaster Carbon 15 Accuracy Test – Part 1

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  1. To echo the 'dope behind the rifle' line of thinking: friend printed two rounds of PPU ammo last Sat, about 3" apart at 50 yds. I dialed in windage and elevation corrections, my 2 shots were centered 1.5" high, 1" spread. Rifle was good to proceed to 100yds. He ran another 26 rounds, only 21 fell on paper. 'Verify the dope behind the weapon' is wisdom to practice every day at the range.

    As for the video, it is not a "review" as much as it is a simple video posting of 'look at us shitdog marksmen printing slingshot sized groups.' A true review would tell us what video cannot show: estimate/measure trigger pull, barrel diameter looks thin–measure it with calipers showing the dial or digital read out, weight of the gun in pounds n ounces-how does that compare with other mfrs' LW models or standard M4s?, estimated scope height and resulting shot clustering high/low relative to the reticle hold at 25yds.

    You guys getting this? I haven't seen a single affirmative comment on your video, contradictions of your results based on meritorious criticisms of your techniques/practices and your own presentation of invalid testing protocol earned you the dump truck load piled on your "review".

    Better luck next time, but dont try again. That will guarantee no failure.

  2. I’ve got a carbon 15, and at 75 yards with a reflex sight, I can hit beer cans all day. The rifle is fine bud. I recommend JB welding the picitinny rail solid to the gun tho. The setup they have is garbage. But I JB welded mine a while back and now have a 3 power monstrum tactical scope on it, and it shoots beer cans at 180 yards all day as well.

  3. A pencil barreled AR will do that. But, there is nothing wrong the cold barrel accuracy. Additionally, you need to not support the rifle out at the gas block. You'll see much improvement by supporting it just in front of the receiver.

  4. I have this exact model and it's not the barrel. It's the metal picatiny rail on top of the poly upper. It's being held in by one screw n wobbles easily! It's your optic moving positions after each round causing the inaccurate shots. Look further into this n you'll see others have had the same issue

  5. its not the gun is the lack of training. i have the same gun and i sighted it in at a 100 yards and it will put holes in holes. i know this is an old video but advise get training so you know what ur doing wrong.

  6. You guys don't know what you're talking about. I have the same exact gun is called the Bushmaster QRC and I've put about 2000 rounds through it and it's a very accurate.

  7. You need to test accuracy against another identical weapon before labeling it as a cheap inaccurate AR15. I have the very same rifle and it is tried and true at 100 yrds all day every day. If you still own the rifle, take the scope/sight rail off, prep the surfaces of both upper receiver and rail and epoxy the rail to the receiver and refasten. LocTite your scope mount screws. This will definitely eliminate any accidental scope movement . Scope mount screws tend to loosen from repeated recoil. Also resting the muzzle on the bag will cause inaccuracies especially as weapon temps heat up. The Bushmaster C-15 is a very accurate rifle.

  8. You don't use proper trigger control. I observed you pressing and releasing the trigger. Try to press and then hold the trigger momentarily after each shot, then release and reset the trigger. Also don't rest the barrel directly on the sand bag. I think you need to learn basic rifle marksmanship. So many people get AR's and don't know proper technique.  Maybe practice and learn using sights instead of a scope. Bushmaster builds good products. You have to do your part to get accuracy. You can't Buy accuracy so much as learn it.  I hope my comments where helpful. I know how frustrating it can be not to have good results. GOOD LUCK.

  9. I know what the problem is I have researched it, the rail that your scope is attached to is not attached to the upper receiver like pretty much every other gun is, it is a separate piece that is only attached with one screw in the front and basically nothing on the back, look and u will see, it can move with any vibration, a cheap but affective way to fix it is to appoxy the piece on and then put the screw back in, it may not be your barrel, check that and tell me what u think

  10. These guys are complete idiots.  I have many, many rounds through my Carbon 15 and always have constant solid groups.  Just a bunch of name bashing fanboys.   Bushmasters C-15 will eat any ammo you feed it and will be reliable with every shot.

  11. these guys are full of shit , switch scopes switch shoters , switch ammo all guns have one brand of ammo the gun likes better than others. three brands is not a fair judgement . try other brands until you find the one it likes. the wrong part of rifle was resting on sand bag . real experts my ass. they need to stop makeing videos.

  12. Windham Weaponry hands down better …..    because Bushmaster is using a tier two barrel with bad chrome !   yes they buy those much cheaper than a correct air gauged barrel !

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