Home AR-15 Ar15 Lower Receiver Reviews (Essential Arms, DPMS, and Bushmaster) M4 M-4 Ar-15

Ar15 Lower Receiver Reviews (Essential Arms, DPMS, and Bushmaster) M4 M-4 Ar-15


I review 3 popular Ar15 lower receiver brands and show why the cheapest one, which is half the cost of the others, is the best.

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  1. I've used many different brands, most have pros and cons.  I've used Bushmaster stripped lowers for my last couple of builds and find the quality and cost are more than acceptable.  I can pick them up at my LGS for $69 plus tax.  Online "bargains" aren't bargains when you add in shipping and transfer fees.

    That said, everyone has their own preference to brand/price/features.  IF we all liked the same ones, there would only be ONE manufacturer still in business.

  2. The cut-out, also known as low-shelf also allows use of an accuwedge. Which reduces slop between receivers and can give you more accuracy. Options are nice. I always go for the low shelf as I use accuwedges in all my ARs.

  3. A tougher lower receiver doesn't make it better guy. It doesn't have anything special other than a stronger aluminum and other than that it's exactly the same functionality as every other lower receiver on the market except for the AXTS lower receivers. AXTS makes the best and fully ambidextrous lower receiver on the market today and nothing comes close to what it can do as far as ergonomics and functionality. Anybody who's interested in one take a look for yourself and don't take my word for it

  4. A tougher lower receiver doesn't make it better guy. It doesn't have anything special other than a stronger aluminum and other than that it's exactly the same functionality as every other lower receiver on the market except for the AXTS lower receivers. AXTS makes the best and fully ambidextrous lower receiver on the market today and nothing comes close to what it can do as far as ergonomics and functionality. Anybody who's interested in one take a look for yourself and don't take my word for it

  5. Oh, Im speculating. I cant gurantee any price anymore. Prices might not drop, they have been climbing for the last few years steadily. Use to be able to build a nice custom rifle, that wasnt over the top, for around $900. Havent been able to do that for sometime now.

  6. Nothing is going to be banned. The only way they could try is by exec order. But that wouldnt be legal. As of 2 weeks ago I still had access to lowers from a small supplier. He actually builds custom rifles and sells me a reciever out of his stock when I nee one. I bet he probably still has 20+ locked up. I dont think prices will stay high after january. Sales will slow and prices should drop back down to closer level to what they were previously.

  7. Well, in the "new normal" I paid $320 from a private seller. It's a brand new lower. HE paid $100 for it ,and that is what you can pay too if you work your way to the top of the back order list and IF they aren't banned first.

    I sincerely hope that I got ripped off. But if not….then I've got mine. I have a complete rifle on order from Duck Creek for the pre-Connecticut price, but it's six months out. I'm hedging my bets.

    I financed it by selling a pistol for an inflated price so it's OK

  8. How much did you pay for your lower? Just curious. I use DPMS when I do custom builds. I get them for $165 stripped. I dont have a use for the auto sear, but when looking at interchangable parts its nice to know other parts will fit because the reciever is as close to original specs as possible.

  9. I'm holding one in my hand as we speak. "Pretty" isn't strong enough. It is absolutely perfect. Like a Sig pistol.

    I also kind of like that it's free from contrasting color lettering or logos. No zombies, no rattlesnakes, no nothing. Just the name of the manufacturer and a serial number. Like a tool should be.

  10. I can't argue with that. Indeed, I would never give up function for "pretty." But by all accounts they are precisely built, pretty AND cheap. I don't see the flaw…unless you have an auto sear. Which I do not, and never will.

    I'll find out for sure when I build on it, but everything I've read says they are very precisely made. No problems.

  11. "Cosmetics" is a reflection of the care and pride that goes into it. It doesn't affect the weapon's function, in and of itself, but some people like to have quality for quality's sake. I appreciate the extra effort.

    As for the cutout: That is only meaningful if you plan to install the auto-sear. It doesn't make any difference in terms of "quality." It's a feature that you either need, or you don't. EA can machine it for you if you want, and it'll still be cheaper.

  12. The part of the trigger group that allows select fire. (3-round burst or full-auto, depending on what hardware you install.)

    You need a Class III Federal license and a HUGE pile of money….absurd, since the parts don't cost any more to make.than what you've already got. Supply and demand.

  13. I just bought a new EA receiver. I agree with the sentiments expressed here. It remains to be seen whether everything is machined to spec, but judging from the quality of the finish I'd have to guess that it will be. The quality is jewel-like. Absolutely flawless.

    I sure as hell didn't pay $100, though. I paid $321, and was glad to do it. The world has gone mad.

  14. I agree with you on the Essential Arms lowers. I have used them almost exclusively and have never had a problem with them. And considering the quality part that they are while keeping the price of a build down is important in today's economy makes this lower a great deal. I've only built one non essential arms rifle and that was for a special zombie build for my daughter. She wanted the Spikes full color lower. Although, their prices have gone up some. I get mine for around $120.

  15. I didnt see any actual pros and cons besides cosmetics and that 2 were made in the north, oh my not that? Plus I would prefer the DPMS only for the fact that you can drop in an accuwedge easier and that it actually follows mil spec with the cut out with the auto sear.

  16. I have the Essential Arms lower, have been wonderfully happy with it. Seamless fit and funtion with my gg&g .223 upper, LMT 6.8spc, and tactical solutions .22lr uppers. I wondered what others thought of it's quality, and I'm glad to know you agree. I believe it is actually higher quality than the colt lower I had while in the Army, which for this price, you CANNOT beat!

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