Home AR-15 Sandy Hook parent slams Remington for marketing AR-15s to young men

Sandy Hook parent slams Remington for marketing AR-15s to young men


David Wheeler, father of 6-year-old Sandy Hook victim Ben Wheeler, slammed Remington for marketing the “intentionally lethal” AR-15 rifle towards young men during a Feb. 15 news conference. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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  1. The agents for the Communist demonic lawyers Association are the only winners here, wake up people read history, the American Bar Association owns runs, and controls the judiciary it is not part of the American political landscape anymore, it is organized injustice, which equates to organized crime!

  2. This is what organized crime looks like within the judiciary, what the NRA and the gun manufacturers don't realize, is that the attorneys who allegedly represent them are working against them, this is the same tactics that were used by the American Bar Association to drive all of our industrial base businesses and corporations out of the country, the American Bar Association controls completely the judiciary in America, it created a fourth branch of government and changing our Republic into a democracy, those people who think this is a good decision are ignorant beyond explanation, the American Bar Association is full of pirates and confidence men destroying our nation! These types of political decisions are exactly what was the catalyst that created the Declaration of Independence and this nation. The agents for the Communist demonic lawyers Association are the only winners here, wake up people read history, the American Bar Association owns runs, and controls the judiciary it is not part of the American political landscape anymore, it is organized injustice, which equates to organized crime!

  3. I'm sorry to the families that lost someone. That is a horrible thing to have had happen.
    But how does blaming the actions of a mentally unstable person on a manufacturer thwart the next mentally unstable person to commit a similar act? Millions of gun owners and millions more guns that out number the US population do not commit crimes against their owners or others.
    Stop generalizing responsible owners with mentally unstable people. Remington is no more to blame than the therapist doctor and mother of the child that thought it was ok to do something so horrific.

  4. Total BS.

    Neither guns or gun makers are responsible any more than a camera is responsible for pictures taken with it or movie makers are responsible for people following movies or car manufacturers for races.

    This was stupid and never should have gone to court.

    These children died only because the killers had no respect for life including themselves.

  5. They never should have settled with you! The parent purchased the fireman, that’s an intervening cause. This should have went to a jury and then been appealed if necessary.

  6. I guess Dodge doesn't market the 700 HP Challengers to teenagers, or fast food chains for marketing to kids, or the US Army for marketing to teenagers either. What's next? Sue the car manufacturers for building cars that go too fast that we can't control our right foot anymore? "Its not my fault I got a ticket for speeding. Its the car's fault! Its too fast and I lost control." How about suing restaurants for making us or kids fat because we eat too much – they knowingly sold us food that tasted so good? Oh, lets not forget about video games that turn kids into crazed killers – we need to sue them too the next time someone goes crazy and starts stabbing someone and find out they played Call of Duty for a few minutes at a friend's house. We don't want to hold PEOPLE accountable, just the companies. I can't wait to start suing all these companies for things that I do while blaming the manufacture for irresponsible advertising that 'made me do it' – I can get rich and my attorney even richer! Yep, looks like total justice to me. Give the shaft to those companies that influence us to buy their products through EVIL marketing that targets certain demographics to make a profit! How dare they!

  7. Advertising firearms wasn't always like this. They almost always focused on hunting and recreational and competitive shoot uses of firearms. That was before the NRA was taken over by right wing activists with money pipelines coming from arms manufacturers.

  8. Everything you said is so true & sadly will not change anything in this country that chooses to let your child die in order to defend their right to own & use a weapon meant for war. Sad for all of us. My heart breaks for your family.

  9. It is just disgusting how the right has helped create an America where 20 (twenty) 5 year olds can be slaughtered in a school with a military grade/style weapon and it is like another Sunday afternoon in the park.

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