The new Quattro-15 from Desert Tech will give AR 15 users enhanced operation and unprecedented firepower with our 53 round Quadmag.
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Neat concept… Skeletonized lower is not that sexy with the cut outs. 2 those mags need to be 60 rounds and not 53…..ammo comes usually in 20 round boxes and now some companies working on 30 round boxes…othrr then that looks cool
Is it compatible with 12.7×42 [.50 Beowulf]?
If so…At what capacity?
If not…Do that next.
If that already…add a 6.5 Grendel version.
*Can you guess what my two favorite "hunting-capable" calibers are for the AR-15? LOL
(.410 is my #3)
Two questions, are there other magazine sizes in the pipeline? (For instance a short 35ish rounder that's as short as a standard 20? And maybe longer 70ish rounders that are about the length of a pmag40?
One to keep some enhanced capacity with a lower vertical profile, and one for max firepower?
Like it! But eats it things Like .485 SOCOM, SPC, etc.?
And after Shot Show 22 there is also a question: MDRX in 8.6 BLK? In SRS?
Slash both of the products prices by 50% and I'll be an early adopter.
If you don’t make a stock that holds the adaptors then what are you doing with your life.
how long before you have that for the MDR?
Any plans to allow the MDR and MDRX to accept this mag? Or any plans for a 308 version? This is mag is game breaking
Build one with no cutouts!
The thing that really sells this for me is there's still the ability to use legacy mags with the adaptor. I'll seriously consider this if it's $200-400
generic baseless complaint substantiated by rumor, fundamental misunderstanding, lack of tolerance re: this product not yet appearing in a "AAA" video game and/or my "airsoft 'build"", and/or failure to watch the video, read the video title, and/or read the video description
I'm sold. when?
Now all you gotta do is make a 10rd, flush fit, rotary mag, for those in less free states.
Are you guy going to come out with a 100 round mags for them by any chance?
Me, along with other true enthusiasts love what you are doing. Keep up the innovative mindset, and ignore those who don't see your goal.
What if you mags Break cus with the 30 mags you have plenty of the the spare and give to your friends but with the 53 mags you will have less back up mags
Can I volunteer to take one with me to test it cus I’m going to Ukraine soon probably
Smell like moving into SCAR/ACR project goal slow but steady
30 and for competition 40 or 45 round magazines were always enough for me. But i can see how something like the marines M27 iar can bebefit from this.
Standard upper? Is rhe mag been tried with 300 aac or jist 556
Are there any AR-15 stocks with storage compartments large enough to fit the magazine adapters?