Home AR-15 The Truth About AR-15s, with Mike Spies and Stephen Gutowski | The...

The Truth About AR-15s, with Mike Spies and Stephen Gutowski | The Megyn Kelly Show


Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Spies and Stephen Gutowski to discuss the use of AR-15s in mass shootings, why they’re so popular, whether they’re particularly dangerous, and much more.

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  1. In 2016 a 19-tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and the injury of 458 others…Did the leftist trying to ban automobiles?? Guns don’t kill people, people do

  2. The ability to commit mass murder has existed for generations. Since the mass production of gun powder, really. Then there was the easy access to TNT (Dynamite) in the mid 1800s. The real question we need to be asking is "Why now?"


  4. TRUTH … PAY ATTITION …… THIS IS FOR STUPID PEOPLE BLUNT FORCR 101 . You keep blaming an inanimate object for something for a problem that starts in the home. More people are killed with blunt objects than guns. It's not the blunt object's fault.

  5. “Progress is often the propagation of political pandering…” Christopher G.Poeschl Stay Amazing…

    COVID-19 Inspiration…❤️

    The Florist…🌹

    “Shake a bush today – cut a tree down tomorrow…” Christopher G.Poeschl Stay Amazing…

    COVID-19 Inspiration…❤️

    The Florist…🌹

    01-26-27 7 10 pm

    These leave a sarcastic impression however, the course and propagation of democracy, depends on the mature discussion and voice of reason, debated publicly as well as in private.

    Thank you for your deliberation and venue of reason.

    Sincerely and respectfully,

    The Florist…🌹

  6. The real problem is that our politicians have distorted priorities. They totally waste $Billions every year. They can’t even provide basic minimal safety in our cities and schools. The majority of Americans have neither the intelligence nor the values to elect good politicians.

  7. The title sounds stupid and makes it seem like the descusion is by people who no nothing about guns DUHHHHHH. whats the truth huh? that its just a semiautomatic rifle lol again DUHHHHHHHH.

  8. According to google 26% of Americans suffer from some sort of mental illness, That's about 70,000,0000 possibly unstable people, possibly walking around with a gun in their pocket. About 120,000 people are shot every year. Wow that's bloody scary. What would you like for Christmas son, a set of golf clubs, a new bike. Can l have a gun dad, that's my boy.

  9. Get some range time Megyn. You'll benefit from it and you can make up your own mind. There is no military version of the AR-15. Repeat after me; there is no military version of the AR-15. The AR is a civilian weapon and always has been. Don't confuse this weapons platform with an M16 or M4. They are not the same.

  10. Thinking about “why” THEY want to control guns? Well it’s the same reason THEY do not want us to have free energy or energy we produce for our selves. Same with MONEY and all forms of it. Soon to be FOOD and WATER will ONLY come through their SUPPLY CHAINS. Oh and forget religion, education, free speech, medicine, protection, communication, information, reproduction rights, health care, migration, free thinking….. do you see the pattern here…. Full control and removal of ALL FREEDOM. That is their end game with “g.un control”.

  11. The last guy was a tool… Doesn't he know the MANY times those under 18 use an AR or otherwise in home Self-Defense?
    He actually thinks parents should be "prosecuted" for ALL family members having access to home defense tools? Scumbag.
    Those parents he was talking about were prosecuted because they KNEW he was unstable, yet they bought a gun for him anyway, and doing other things apparently. Thus, if all true it's not unreasonable that they have some accountability. But parents otherwise? ** off.

  12. You keep blaming an inanimate object for something for a problem that starts in the home. More people are killed with blunt objects than guns. It's not the blunt object's fault.

  13. Perhaps the panel should be a little more prepared to explain why the AR is an ideal self defense/home defense option. All the "features" that the Democrats wanted to ban are exactly the qualities that make the AR perfect for women to defend themselves against "big, strong men". By nature the AR15 is light weight and the recoil is much easier for women to handle. The pistol grip is easily swapped out for a perfect fit for smaller hands. The adjustable stock allows people of any size to have the ability to make the rifle fit them perfectly. 20-30 round magazines of lightweight ammunition means that you are very unlikely to have to reload or grab additional magazines under stress. Plus the nature of a rifle vs a pistol makes the AR15 much more stable to shoot accurately, with less training than a pistol. Finally, the AR is scary looking. But let me tell you, the only person that finds an AR15 scarier than a Democrat, is a criminal that means to do you harm.

  14. How does he know if various weapons bans won't work or help work when he and others like him have shot down any attempts for the past several decades in the least? I find it distasteful to biotch about other people's children being killed (many who do not own such weapons) while taking a big dump on banning attempts at the corporate level. Meanwhile, the other guest has one hanging on his wall. Have their children been killed or any close relatives? Has he been shot at or had pistols pointed at his sheltered head? Has he attempted to own a pistol only to have it stolen or soaked in crude oil by those buying into the nonsense while causing people harm and getting the cops to arrest you for trying to have a deterrent that only looked operational but did not have a firing pin in it since I removed it prior to any harassment by cops? I could go on but the reason we hear the same arguments is because they have no personal experience to back them–they are all monetary media-driven points promoted by the political and corporate structure. And, btw, you can modify them to be fully automatic provided you are not arrested first so it is better just to obtain a full automatic to begin with.

  15. As the left keeps progressing towards less police and siding with the criminals, we law abiding citizens will continue to arm ourselves for protection against criminals that have no concern for human life! If you really think about it, the police haven't been much of a crime deterrent now for decades as violent crime escalates every year. Police are fairly good at investigating crimes, but it's after the damage has been done. People, stop blaming the guns! It's the criminals we need to ban! The AR-15 is a great home defense tool against criminals.

  16. You cannot stop murder, even mass murder, by banning the tool, because there is always another tool. It is people who do not value human life who take other's lives. The culture has to change, not the tool. Anyone who is willing to kill children, for any reason, is insane, there is no way to fix that. But the vast majority of shootings in America happen in certain communities, where crime is glorified, and police and other demographics are demonized. Changing the culture in those communities, would go a long way in reducing shootings.

  17. People like Mr. Spies are nothing but pathetic cowards who willingly spread lies to make money for their bogus non-profits. They will never admit the real problem in this country is high crime rates from a select group of people.

  18. Want to stop school shootings? Defund public sector unions and spend that money on making schools secure. Duh.
    If gun control “works” why does no one show evidence any new anti-gun law had positive effect over time on trends of murder, violent crime or suicide rates?
    That evidence doesn’t seem to exist.
    (most commonly trends these get worse)
    The US isn’t top 50 in mass public shootings.

    ‪Proactive Police, personal accountability, incarceration, citizen involvement, armed citizens improve trends.

  19. If we could somehow 'uninvent' the gun, we might be able to have a profitable conversation about whether or not guns should exist. We cannot uninvent guns. They exist, and many of the most popular designs are more than 100 years old. Anyone with reasonable skills — the kind that they used to teach in high school metal shop — can make a gun that works as well as one made by the major brands. Worse, with today's computer controlled milling machines, some of which are made for use by hobbyists, guns are easier to make at home than they ever were before. And, of course, with modern 3D printing (which includes the printers many families have at home), 90% of most gun designs can be printed. A printed gun may not be as durable as one made from steel, but it will function just fine.

    All of that is to say the genie is out of the bottle. Guns are here to stay. Those who want them or believe they need them will be able to get them no matter what laws are passed. That's the reality that needs to be faced before proposing new gun laws.

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