Why use an AR-15 pistol? Pros and cons of AR pistols and an included gel test demonstration with chronograph data.
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Good job, thank you for your hard work!
Get her a 5 or 7 inch.
AK is better
That 16" shot is MUCH more devastating! I can't believe the difference!
You might want to take a look at Demonstrated Concepts to see how to use a no brace AR pistol. Very viable platform that works.
You sold me. Dammit, time to spend more money. Lol
It was designed to yaw, not tumble
Out of short barrels they don’t make much a difference up close compared to 9pcc which penetrates more but ar gets longer range overall
Good video and points made. +1 sub
Your kid is awesome. Subb'ing
On the pistol brace point, have you considered the possibility that if braces "go away", you could possibly run one with a sling and a cheek rest, using the sling tension and the third contact point to stabilize it? Probably not perfect but it's a thought you might want to look into.
Also VFGs are good at over 26" OAL, then it's an "Other Firearm" (basically a long non-concealable AOW)
I may or may not have built MANY ARs and AR pistols. Maybe even a lot of 80% lowers. I’m good friends with an SOT and do a lot of Smith work for him. So I have access to a LOT of toys! Even with all his toys and what we have access to, he and I both agree that the best all around home defense weapon is a 10.5” braced pistol chambered in .300blk – w/a suppressor if you have one. Although almost all accounts of soldiers in combat or door kickin/house clearing as well as homeowners firing off ANY firearm indoors during a high stress home invasion, burglary or assault, when asked, never even noticed sound of the firearm going off! Or were negatively effected by it. All the speculation of noise disorientation, hearing loss, etc. is logical but unmerited. Apparently under high adrenaline and fight or flight situations, the blast of your firearm doesn’t effect you.. but getting back on track, the braced pistol is the top dog for home defense. Most anyone in the home can use it. 300blk can use both super and subsonic and the ballistics are amazing. If they ban braces, there will be a million felons! I don’t know anyone that is going to comply. At least until we invent something else to get around it. As Americans always do when something is banned or taken away! That’s just something that we’re good at.
556 even out of a 10 inch barrel out to 100 yards is nasty, with hollow/soft points you can pretty much blow a head clean off…
Good video but you should look into learning to clear a structure either way your to close to that Conner going around
To answer your question about foregrips, the overall length has to be 26" to use one. In ct any ar pistol or rifle is illegal so we build guns classified as "others" – need to have a barrel longer than 10 inches and shorter than 16, a pistol brace (no stock – that would make it a rifle or sbr) and vertical foregrip must stay on the gun, or it becomes an ar pistol. Pretty crazy laws but at least we get something!
Well done bud, good information for sure. Thank you for your hard work on this.
The difference in how that gel block reacted was huge. Speed is definitely nasty and that’s exactly what makes 556/223 work. On the other side though, a short barreled pistol/sbr works just fine in close quarters
Just spend the 200 bucks and SBR it and start off with less bling on it to make up price.
Use less lowers and swap the uppers and use your excess lowers for more full length builds or sell the lowers
Gel block Jim needed a parachute on the last round. Fun video, and thanks for posting. I have a 9" 300 Blk and a 10.5" 5.56 and like them both, but if it ever needed to have a shorter rifle, thank God for the modular design of the AR15.
I love my Mossberg Shockwave for CQC, especially when clearing rooms and slicin’ some pie LOL You have yourself a damn fine, and well trained young lady with you. Talk about someone to watch your six! Great video my man, and some excellent gel jumpin’ action going on!!
The young girl knows her shooting skills and safety. Good for you for starting her off right. Jell block Jim is is a little unsafe though. Ha!!
Really surprised at the difference in feet per second and the wound track.
You need some lighting for your videos when your inside— otherwise I’ve been enjoying your channel a lot
Great video. Yep you make some sold points for both. Yes ar15 pistol has it's place but will see
Great video, great advice! Gel-block Jim got some hang time today!
Good video. Really like the 55gr sp performance with the 10.5”.
Always loaded the hornady 55gr SPWC for my do everything load.
Thanks alot of great information. Poor gel Jim he at it again. I bet he is glad it’s over.