Home AR-15 Ruger AR556 MPR Range 2

Ruger AR556 MPR Range 2


Enjoying the Ruger AR556 MPR over on Range 2.
First video with this rifle:
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  1. A bunch of people seem to love this rifle. I'm a big Ruger fan. With that said I have never heard of so many people having so many problems with one single gun. You read comment after comment on video after video of people having problems. Quality issues like gas tube and gas block loose, handguard loose, bcg problems, ejection problems, magazine problems, and that muzzle break kicks up a bunch of dust or dirt when close to ground.

  2. Hey Hickok45 Have you ever seen a Ruger AR15 explode I just had one do that my 15 year old son first time shooting it and it blew apart into pieces the Bolt split and flew every were I was shooting the TULAmmo 223 55 GR from Cabelas and Ruger told me their was to much pressure thats why it blew apart, Now ruger wants to keep the Gun and said they would send me a new one for $460 I just wanted to know what you think Please help I feel its not my fault so why should I pay for another gun and not get my old one back what do you think?

  3. I'm a pretty loyal smith and wesson fan, own 3 semi auto m&p pistols. I want to get a rifle and I'm doimg to get an AR 223/556. Right now the ruger mpr is on the top of my list. I could afford much more but want to stay under a 1,000. Just trying to decide if I should wait till after the election to buy.. hoping that Trump get's re-elected and that pricing and availability will improve. If Biden gets elected we (especially 2nd ammendment folks) are in trouble.

  4. If anyone has ever heard or seen a dry AR s bolt . The sound is horrible . Just a little line makes a huge difference . If it’s slippery in your hand it’s slippery enough for metal . It doesn’t have to be dripping with oil even though it won’t hurt it but cleaning it is the thing .

  5. I like this gun . I put a x24 scope on and bipod and enjoy shooting it s accurate precision just like he shot the first 8 rounds or so then the barrel heats up and it’s a cpl inches off ..adjust accordingly. This fella is a good ass shot with a red dot .

  6. Keep up the good work, you make some of the best reveiws I have ever seen, always to the point, all about safety, and man that target range you have is awsome, really nice. I have been eying up the ruger 556, you just helped me make up my mind, lol, I live about 45 mins from Grice gun shop, here in Pa. they had plenty but are currently sold out , with all that is going on in the country I knew they would be, I WILL GET ONE WHEN BACK IN STOCK, wHAT DOT SCOPE WHAT RED DOT SCOPE WOUL YOU RECOMMEND?

  7. I have well over 1,000 rounds through my MPR, only really given it a deep cleaning (took apart the bolt carrier type stuff) once before I ever shot it. I wipe it down and lube it every few range visits. Not a single malfunction yet other than a single dud round. (Tap rack bang, easy, not the rifles fault) Purchased it in February of 2020. My first AR-15 And I’m happy with it. It’s my go to home defender.

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