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0:00 AR Build Challenge Part 1
1:32 Clint’s High End Build
7:37 Matt’s Out of the Box Build
9:36 Alek’s Budget Friendly Build
15:20 Tune in Next Week
15:59 Win the Home Defense H&K SP5!
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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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Are you giving the guns away once they are done?
Please send radian lower.
If you shop around there's a lot of smaller shops online that sell complete uppers for around 300. My build (Christmas sale included) cost 600 for quality parts
Summer of 2020 I built a prebuilt Anderson lower and Anderson upper, for a total of 540 plus 70 for optics
Now just the prebuilt upper is 499
Alec should bring the beard back.
I have a home depot husky ratchet strap webbing as my sling. It was 4 dollars
3 words, Bear Creek Arsenal.
Absolute best reason for an AR-15 is it is the Lego of firearms. Start cheap and upgrade as you can afford to.
Damn I got my AR for like 560 it was 100 off that's why I got it and it's one of my favorite guns. Runs great. Just a diamondback. Hasnt failed yet. But I do keep it in good runing condition. Now they are over 760
How come spike’s tactical doesn’t get any love
you can build'm a lot cheaper with 49$ lowers,79$ lower parts kits and 230$ bca uppers complete. and they go boom every time.
I’m building my first one now as my Christmas present. I got both of my sons helping me. It’s been a good time.
Thanks Classic Firearms
And God Bless 
Yall should do an MP5 build that would be awesome to see
i actually thought about doing this myself, so this is great to see it before i get started. love the channel
Nothing wrong with the budget AR. You can cherry pick parts and build a very nice rifle.
The Stag is a very good AR, I have one with upgrades.
what about bolt guns as a give away ????
You guys have some great and informative videos. Great job.
Gentlemen it's not allowing me the entries after I watch your videos. According to the information there are a few days left in this particular giveaway. Today's date is Sunday December 5th 2021. I don't understand why it's not giving me any of the credit for watching any of your videos.
Super Gorilla Glue!
Warrior poet society slings are awesome!
Please just buy a PSA if you’re considering that budget build…
Nice flashlight lol good one
14:00 hey my krytac stock and kriss defiance irons that I robbed from my airsoft gun for a build isn’t crap things pretty damn good actually
loved this serious, watched every episode. hoping yall do more like this, and hoping to win one of the giveaways!
You guys just earned yourselves a new follower/fan!
I learn so much from your vids !!! Thank you !!!
That price should come with someone to shoot it for you!
Out of the BOX…GR8 Series-thanks y’all
Build a piston driven AR
I did like your little competition it was entertaining thank you
Jeez, Clint's optics package by itself probably cost more than Alek and Matt's builds combined. The humanity of it all!
S&W MP15 sport 2 is under $800 at today’s market/price. It is still the one of the BEST budget but QUALITY AR15 we can get out there!
I wish I could afford a high end build. Those nice parts are expensive.
Yea yea
I'm not a stranger to guns in general. Dad thought his girls how to shoot too but this is a different level. I always learn something new. Thank Boys. This old girl appreciates your knowledge. OG(old girl) shout out.

Build AR 15 – 2.23/5.56, double barrel shot and a Glock 9 or 45
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Like the all the BUILDS sometimes the $$$ doesn't mean it's that much better sometimes it's the shooter behind the trigger .
How about building 7.62 NATO or 30-06 or 308 (about the same thing) based rifle? Could you show us you actually building the rifles? I haven't built one yet and I would like to see what it takes and if I want to get involved with that.
budget laughs. Cracked me up. no airsoft

I know a lot of ARs could have been build for less but some people forget that all prices have gone up in the last few months. #letsgobrandon
I love Swampfox!!! I have the Swampfox Sentinel A on my Canik TP9 Elite SC.
Awesome series and amazing giveaway, as usual!!! I'd be super stoked to win any of those rifles! If it were up to me though, I'd pick Clint's build.