Home AR-15 Affordable AR15 Deer Rifle – Ditch that .223!

Affordable AR15 Deer Rifle – Ditch that .223!


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There are some great cartridges for the AR15 that vastly out perform the .223 or 5.56. Some of these include 6mm ARC, 6.5 Grendel, 300 Ham’r, and others. In this video we talk about an affordable rifle from Primary Arms that’s less than $1k but gives you a great hunting AR15.

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  1. I'm planning on building a DMR type AR, with 18" .223 Wylde barrel, and slightly upgraded trigger. Once that's complete I also plan to find an 6.5 Grendel upper to be able to swap for when I want to go hunting. .223 W for targets and steel, 6.5 G for meat. Hard to beat combo.

  2. If .223 or 5.56is allowed, then use it!!! Its very capable, i lived in Alaska for many years after the service and .223 killed more caribou then anything else! Well all military surplus ammo did, but .223 was probably on top!!

  3. We bought a 6.5 Grendel upper and bolt carrier group over a year ago. Got the Wolf brand ammo and recently shot 24 rounds. The very thin extractor sheared off. Now we have a JP enhanced 6.5 Grendel extractor coming in the mail.

  4. Any vids planned for 6.5 creedmoor hunting options in AR-10, or gas piston options, with shorter barrels that don't give up too much in terms of energy with reduced recoil for our female companions?

  5. Times have changed. I have my grandfather’s Winchester mod 1894 in 30 WCF or the 30-30. Maybe I’m too traditional but using a military type rifle for hunting deer isn’t my cup O tea. However they are great for just about anything.

  6. I own and love my 6.5 Grendel Radical Arms AR, but finding ammo for it these days is like finding hen's teeth, and when you do it is about as expensive as .300 Win Mag. I don't know where you are finding it for .223 prices (aside from Wolf). The military needs to adopt the 6.5 Grendel as the T.O. round. S/F brother.

  7. The 6mmARC is a solid deer cartridge: dropped my first 180lb buck this past rifle season with a 108 Berger Elite Hunter out of my 16" carbine at 50 yards…heart/lung shot, solidly anchored him into a nose dive. Dead in seconds. Looked like jelly soup inside the chest cavity.

  8. Unfortunately we still can’t hunt with a semi auto here in Pennsylvania. Last year I started hunting with 7.62×39 since I have a huge stock of it on hand due to collecting SKS’s and AK’s for years. Took a deer this year using a Ruger Ranch rifle shooting a 124gr S&B soft point. The animal kicked like a mule in place when it was hit and ran for about 40 yards when it dropped. By the looks on all the faces of the hunters I run across and speak with I might be the only guy in North East PA hunting with the 7.62×39 round.

  9. I LOVE my 6.5 Grendel! 20" barrel complete upper from BCA works great(345.00usd). BUT their BCG was garbage and broke after about 160 rounds. I ordered a replacement from Brownells and couldn't be happier. I'm getting 1.5-2 MOA with wolf steel cased.

  10. Great, However im in one of the "Straight Wall Cartridge" Only states (Ohio). And I've been threw all the 45 caliber crap, it's all recoil, and roar. Then Winchester gave us the 350 legend, Problem solved. There's several manufacturers of bolt rifles, And I just added a 18" AR upper in the 350 Legend caliber. Less recoil, less roar, effective ranges that make it a great caliber for Ohio Whitetail. And the cost of ammunition is very affordable, compared even to (good) 12 ga shotgun slugs prices. Id love to be able to use my 243 in Ohio, Because I'm one of those guys that have taken LARGE GAME (ELK) with a well placed 100gr bullet. And it didn't go any further than the 6×5 Mule Deer I shot 5 days prior from the exact same spot, resting the rifle on the exact same rock outcropping. I think the 6.5 Grendel is a fantastic option for those places it legal. However still being in the throws of this ammunition shortage, You definitely have to keep mind whats available and on the shelf. Because as all of the 300blk guys found out in mid 2020. You couldn't and still hardly can find any 300blk ammo. So there "great bug out rifle" Turned out to be a annoying pest. And many of those guys just figure that a pair of 🦄🦄 pulling the ammunition wagon would just magically drop them a few cases of 300blk. ALL as they where trying to figure out how to open there 30 days of dehydrated food. Which is a rant yer for another day.

  11. would you say you like the 6.5 grendel over 6.8 spc, and if so..why? looking at ballistics charts it looks like the grendel doesnt out perform the 6.8 until about 500-600 yards. lot of hog hunters switching to 6.8 because of more power than a 556 but not as much recoil and easier follow up shots over a 308 if youre taking multiples

  12. How about you skip the "ditch the .223" bullshit, and just focus on the different cartridges ARs can be chambered for.

    Whether you like it or not 99% of people are going to shoot 5.56/.223 ARs, because they're not hunting, and it's the cheap ammo. Knocking on what everyone shoots is a surefire way to lose viewers.

  13. I decided to do a hunting AR about a year and a half ago, was not the best time to do it. Primarily based on ammo availability, I went with .350 Legend. I have no regrets. Very capable cartridge, give it a try if you haven’t yet.

  14. In North Carolina we have a similar game law but it's stated as bullet weight must be 120gr or more, it makes no mention of bullet diameter,other than it's illegal to use a .22lr

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