Shooting and discussing the standard capacity LWRC IC SPR in 5.56 caliber.
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  1. And I want to ask, is it really necessary to tell everyone around that my gun is empty even if I know that it is? So people I don’t even know expecting me to tell everything I do around them when I’m shooting with MY own gun which makes me really angry 😡

  2. I love everything you pull out to show us and shoot. My grandfather introduced me to guns when I was about 9 years old and ever since it’s been somewhat of an aspired hobby 😂. I’ve been watching you for about 10 years(maybe more but I think I found your channel in 2010/2012) from multiple accounts and I wish I could be blessed enough to own or shoot all the different guns I’ve seen over all these years. I hope to see you in another 10 as well! 💪

  3. Can you do a special review on all the guns used in the movie We Were Soldiers ?!? Some of my favorites are the PPS-43 ,MAT-49 , ZB26 , Mosin Nagant M44

  4. Glad you brought this out Hick I all ways forget the name off it. I frist seen it in call of duty 😂I called it the Godzilla gun because it's green and spits flames. The AR looks like a dragon 🐉 to me. 😂 I'm glad theres different calibers so you can pick and choose.And yeah you've brought it out on Sunday i remember it just not the name😂. Life is good⛪🇺🇸🐍💨👉

  5. I own the piston one in 5.56 and love this thing. They are made In Cambridge MD on the eastern shore. Im a Maryland Resident. Feels good to say this beauty is made in my home state. I remember when I bought it a couple years back they guy told me you wouldn’t be disappointed in your purchase.

  6. Blessings!…Saw you on Tucker…👍👍
    Q: I have a 1866 Yellow Boy…45Long ammo is so expensive I want to get a setup where I can load my own shells…Can you give me some advice on who makes the ammo loader and such?

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