Home AR-15 Can You Build a Rifle For $1,000?

Can You Build a Rifle For $1,000?


Lucas tackles the most vehement conversation in the firearms community… poor versus rich. Budget versus gucci. Class warfare at it’s finest. But no TREX video is complete without demos on the range.

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  1. I bought this exact AR a few months ago at PSA for around $600. I've since changed the stock to an MOE stock, the grip to an MOE grip, the handguard to a quad rail, added a magpul RVG, and put a vortex UH-1 with a flip up 3x magnifier behind it. love this rifle. im about 700 rounds in and haven't had any issues with it, not a single jam.

  2. Ready for the range? Yes. You can do that for a lot less thank $1k. If you want it fully tacked out, no. I disagree with including the cost of ammo and hearing protection, extra mags etc. You can get a good budget AR with irons and a sling. Definitely close to $1k but you can keep it under that if you absolutely need to.

  3. I have a some all plastic rifle, think it’s a Omni or whatever. I keep it in my tractor. Never been clean or respected. Will kill a dog every time I pull the trigger. I’d trust it. Gave like 400 for it brand new.

  4. On my selector switch I'm going to have "fully semi-automatic" labeled right there in the selector switch. 😂 It'll be my little joke to me. Every time I put that selector switch down I'll know what it says. And it'll bring me to the time when we watched on the news those geriatric Democrats try to claim that they knew what they were talking about when they said fully semi-automatic weapons.

  5. You can build a complete ar-15 for $300, this video is a lie. Just look up discounted upper and lower, you will always find a deal on a complete version (including ar pistols). Ammo, a magazine, the transfer fee, the gas needed to get to the FFL, and any other addon to the rifle would be less than $500.

  6. I really liked this video. Not bad at all. I own an FN-15 tactical and did amazing upgrades to it. Though, pertaining to this video specifically, I honestly would rather buy an AR-15 from radical firearms or Diamondback. I just feel like they’re better if we’re talking budget and performance.

  7. Ok pause real quick….. who says you need to have a full chest rig to have a “complete rig” and also who the hell says you NEED an optic? How do you think soldiers of the past handled their businesses cause it wasn’t with a red dot. You’re mentioning a lot of “nice to haves” not “ must haves”.

  8. Nothing wrong for putting the weapon proper context compared to higher end builds. But snotty, immature snips are small. $1000 bucks is a 2-3 week paycheck for many folks. Using the word "cheap" over and over instead of more inexpensive says it all. Almost as though he's never had to worry about money. Either that or he forgot. Bright kid, needs to grow up.

  9. You can build a rifle for under $1000, because you don't need an AR to have a rifle. Got a Remington 770 in 7mm Remington Magnum. Came with a 3-9x scope. For 300 dollars. Made hits on an 8 inch plate at 600 yards with it using Remington core-lokt. I have nicer stuff but wanted to see what it could do, and it performed just fine. Cheap does not mean ineffective. Semi auto? No, but on a round-per-round basis, it smokes 5.56 ballistics and is superior to .308 even. People need to know that cheap guns can work too. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars to be armed with something effective. I think there is a big financial incentive for gun channels to steer people toward their sponsor's products and away from mass produced firearms, even though those firearms can be effective too. All the tacticool fellas don't want to admit that if the dude living in a trailer, with the cheapest bolt action you can get, can go kill a deer – then it can work for defense as well. People fought with less gun than an AR for a long, long time.

  10. Can you build a gun for under $1,000?

    Yes and no
    Yes its under $1,000
    No he didn’t build it and added too many unnecessary attachments.

    Your argument for sport is weak, and is why lawmakers can get away with banning the AR platform 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. Wow you sound like you want the 2a rights taken away, you want to lable it a weapon of war that's your opinion. If you bought your yours for war then you will probably be waiting for a while. I bought mine to plink around and for protection, not for war.!

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