Home AR-15 Building a California featureless AR15 – Magpul to the rescue!

Building a California featureless AR15 – Magpul to the rescue!


In the continuing saga of making my AR-15 “featureless” for California, the next step is replacing the adjustable stock with a fixed stock. I chose the Magpul MOE Rifle Stock and I really like it. I explain why in this video.

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Host: Joel Persinger – The GunGuy
– Co-Founder & CEO of Practical Defense Systems
– NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor

Video & Audio Production: Nick Persinger – The Camera Guy

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  1. Was the bird cage flash hider pinned and welded onto the barrel? If so, how did you get it off? I have a flash hider on my AR and I want to change it to a muzzle brake.

  2. first vid.i don't know anything about your channel, but you told me that the holes near the receiver are QD attachments and sold me on the stock completely. i love you but my wallet hates you, that little red ring stuff is what i've been looking for for like a week, even magpul's website is less descriptive lol

  3. Alot of you guys are saying don't comply, but THEY will make you look like a terrorist. They're really good at making the majority go with their agenda. Especially after all these shootings, I'm not sure if you'll even have a chance to fight back. If there's a chance gun owners might win this battle, be sure that there'll be more "shootings" happening. Very sad.

  4. 2a armament makes a solid grip that mates perfect with your stock. 2a zone featureless grip. I truly cringed at their price but it definitely is a nice hand made piece, may not always be in stock, only 1 guy makes them. Removing 1 screw is easier than 3 in my opinion. Juggernaut tactical has a thumb rest takedown pin, must be used with ambi 45 deg safety lever for proper ergonomics and function of safety. Other than those options, one may go above and beyond, like side charging handle so you don't have to lose sight of your target and so on. Those upgrades are on mine as well as ambi mag release, which was pricey and honestly don't really use.

  5. Pistol AR-15 builders…… your Arm Brace is NOT a adjustable stock, hence, does not need to be PINNED…… the Arm Brace was engineered to be clamped in any position of the arm to allow a disabled veteran (GOD BLESS) or a handicapped shooter to be able to control. the firearm, depending on the limb….
    If it is classified a STOCK……you would automatically have a SBR


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