Home AR-15 Biden's Actions Arm Taliban With Assault Rifles But Tells Americans He's Going...

Biden's Actions Arm Taliban With Assault Rifles But Tells Americans He's Going to Take Their AR-15s


Joe Biden Arm Taliban

Joe Biden is the last person on earth to be telling anyone in America what they can or can’t own to protect their families when he just armed the Taliban with more automatic guns than there are in the hands of American Citizens.

The next time you hear or see Joe Biden talking about Gun Control, I want you to remember that the Taliban, with its now hundreds of thousands of American Assault Rifles, has more access to the Second Amendment than you.

By way of his actions and inept decision-making, our president gave one of the most tyrannical governments in recent history access to hundreds of thousands of guns that American citizens don’t even have access to.

You know, I find it painfully ironic at best and straight-up hypocrisy at worst, that Joe Biden, a man who constantly brags about passing the assault weapon ban as well as:

– the Same man who tells American Citizens that they don’t need AR-15’s which is what he means when he says assault or military-style weapons,

– the same man who says American citizens don’t need any gun that can take more than ten rounds,

– the Same Man who says he’s going to take on the nations most prominent 2nd Amendment Organization and that he’s coming after the Gun manufacturers,

is the same man who messed up the withdraw of troops from Afghanistan so severely, the Taliban now have access to 25,000 Grenade launchers, Nearly 65,000 actual machine guns, and about 360,000 actual assault rifles, According to a Government Accountability Office Report
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  1. Would have been nice if the previous president actually took care of the withdrawal instead of making a deal with terrorists to have his troops leave AFTER the election. He knew that if it went very badly that he had no shot at reelection so that's why he set the deadline AFTER his first term. He knew who he was going up against and knew he was incompetent so he should have wrote up a very detailed plan that would have prevented this…but he didn't! And that's because he doesn't actually care about anyone but himself. Also, the previous president couldn't even protect the capitol building that his own vice president was in, so what makes anybody think he would have actually cared enough to handle this properly? He basically let police officers become targets and even die because he was upset he lost an election.

  2. I'm so sick and tired of hearing the term Assault Rifle. There is no such thing as an Assault Rifle. It's a made up term used by the Nazis in WW2 used as fear propaganda ( Sounds Familiar! ) to describe a new weapon system that had just been developed by the Germans.

  3. The dementia riddled clown is unfit to be commander in chief. He gave one of the most dangerous terrorist groups billions of dollars worth of weapons, vehicles & equipment. He basically turned the rag tag desert rats with cold War era ak's into a modern army almost over night. He's already gotten hundreds if not thousands killed, many of which are Americans and the taliban isn't gonna stop. Thousands are gonna die bc of his actions. And the part that really boils my blood is that he doesn't even have the decency to show any respect for the soldiers HE got killed. He checks his watch as their bodies come back. He turns his back on the families of the fallen. The blood of those soldiers & anyone who has or does die as a result of these actions is on his hands. Biden or our so called "commander in chief" isnt even competent enough to run a cruise ship Congo line much less the US military

  4. His own son stupidly records himself doing hookers and crack which are illegal. He doesn’t NEED hookers and crack! He allows his own son to openly hire hookers and smoke crack, again, all illegal. What laws he wants to pass regarding negating our Second Amendment right are invalid and it’s our responsibility to uphold that cherished document of freedom. Thats the ONLY way it protects us. Civil disobedience, with regard to the lefts attempt to disarm us, should become order of the day for freedom loving Americans. And it’s only Friday…

  5. I am with you on Biden and gun control, however there is no "clean" way to get out of a lost war. I commend Biden for ending a 20 year failed empirical project AS we fight him to the very end on gun control.

  6. The NRA support of the original NFA in some attempt at a deal and the complete failure to actually stop gun laws raises the question: why on God's green Earth would I choose the NRA over doubling my donation to the RMEF? Since when have you actually protected the 2nd amendment in any way that a Republican president wouldn't?

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