#matcotools #tooltruck #streamlight
Matco Michael is back and today we take a look at the smaller tap and die sets with the ratcheting handle for tight spaces. We also take a look at the new Streamlight pocket light called the WEDGE. It has a really cool shape to it and it’s super bright! Michael shows off some of the tools requested by his customers that are often over looked. Celebrate the weekend being here and lets check out some cool tools!
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If you are interested in Koon Trucking or Diesel Medic shirts or stickers
Here are some of my favorite links to get some awesome tools and coupon and discount codes to save you some money.
Be sure to check them out (just clicking my link and getting to Amazon helps to support the channel. Even if you don’t buy the item listed, just using my link and then choosing another item will help)
For some of my favorite tools click the link here:
Diesel Laptops and Diese Decoders Diesel Laptops
Lisle Ford 3 Valve Broken Spark Plug Remover:
Montezuma Triangle Box (one in my service truck):
Streamlight MacroStream:
Gearwrench X Core Pinless Universal Set:
GP Duo Socket Set MM and SAE:
VIM Auto Grip Oil Filter Wrench (like Matco version):
CTA extra deep socket set:
Astro Digital Tire Inflator:
Astro 1/2” Flex Head Impact (CHECK THIS OUT):
Bolster Bolt Organizer 10% Off use KoonTruck10
That code will even work on Amazon
www.gripty.com code KOON10 for 10% off
www.motivxtools.com use code KOON for 10% off entire order
Olsa Tools: Use the code KOON to save 10% off your purchases
OTR Performance a cheap and effective way to clear codes and force a regen. Use this link and reference code: CKoon to save 5% off
this is an owner ops dream!
Rinse Kit
Check out www.vampiretools.com and use the code KOON10and save 10% off your entire purchase plus free shipping in the Cont. US
LunchEaze $5 off purchase
Type E Marking Paste
Use Code CLAYKOON for 10% off your purchase
Tribus Tools: use code: koontrucking save 5% plus free shipping
Wera Screwdrivers and other awesome German Tools:
Capri Tools Work Light: 620 Lumens of awesome:
Tekton 1/4” socket set
Grey Pneumatic Duo-Socket Set Metric Master Set. This is an awesome set can be used on a ratchet or impact!!
Lang Tools Master Feeler Gauges:
Gearwrench Bolt Biter Set
OEM Tools Magnetic Rechargeable Light (the battery life is amazing on this light, super bright. My favorite magnetic light)
Knipex Cobra Pliers (some of my go to Pliers):
Streamlight Stylus Pro Rechargeable Flashlight:
I use Tub O Towels to keep all my tools looking nice and clean. Here is the link to them:
Lisle Scraper (SAME AS MATCO)
Astro 52SL (light and wireless charging base)
(Light Only) get both and have one charging while the other is in use, provides all day usage with easy charging!
Witte Screwdriver Set (same as Matco)
PowerProbe IV Kit (my favorite)
Load Pro (load test the complete circuit in seconds)
Lisle Transmission Drain Pan
Email: koontrucking101@gmail.com
Koon Trucking
200 Davidson Dr.
Booneville MS 38829
Follow our Diesel Medic channel
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Having spent nearly 40 years in retail, hand pricing everything was a huge task, and price changes even more so. With cheap technology these days, they could have a barcode scanner on board for customer price checks on most items, then system updates would keep everything current, and correct.
Streamlight has the best flashlights on the market in my opinion. Always something new from them too.
I think it would be a good idea to put the price tags with the list price's and then if you have certain customers that you give a certain % off their orders because they spend alot they can gauge their cost on the tool, or you got the guys who see's the list price on the tool and ask for a better deal. Either way it's promoting sales. Being a item doesnt have a price tag and they ask for the price they make think they're being charged a higher price because they need it and had to ask for the price. Another good thing about price tags is guys will see how much things are and can be prepared the next time to buy a tool they seen and have all the money for it.
The wisest thing that should be on every wise individual list is to invest in different stream of income that don't depend on the government to bring money especially now that the pandemic is hitting economy pretty hard. Earning close to $100,000 in less than 3 months
I love my wedge. Had it since it came out and it's great for a edc in the back pocket and a long run time inspection light. I still carry my microstream USB in my shirt pocket for small spaces, needing a light in your mouth or on the brim of my hat
Did it bother anyone else that Michaels hat a glasses were all messed up on his head
nice video
My Cornwell guy puts prices on everything and it’s so nice when you hop on the truck you know if you can afford it or not before pick it up
I liked that wedge light so after a quick google search and bass pro 99$ and Amazon 95$ the mark up they have is crazy.
Grinder and paint makes me the welder I ain’t.
The Cornwell truck that comes to our shop has prices on everything and it's always fully stocked he takes his job very serious and is a true professional I will continue to give him alot of business
I need one of the black and green ratchets
My first few cornwell dealers had price tags on everything.
Go back to the old days of sticker pricing everything and throw the damn computers away. Creates more jobs as well. Put a sign up saying ask if it’s on sale. Problem solved
That new streem light looks bad ass
I have that exact same box, along with the cart that matches
That tap and die set looks like an Astro Pneumatic set, for those guys without a Matco dealers. That something I would rather buy from a dealer, considering how often you need to warranty taps out. (Nothing personal to AP, that’s a thing with all tap and die sets)
does anyone have any of matcos ratchets with the black finish, how well does it hold up?
I really dig that OD shirt Matco Michael is modeling.

Working on sweaty fitness equipment for a living. Then you grab your flashlight, I never stick it in my mouth. I know what I have run my hands through and don't want that in my mouth. Grease is one thing someone else's sweat is another.
As far as tool trucks go, my old Matco dealer would not give any deals unless it was in the flyer. Didn't matter if you were paying cash or not. I got to the point I only bought what I needed when it was on sale.