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You can make your own decisions.
The doj holds firm that it’s illegal to convert single shot and 80% pistols to semi auto. But you can make that choice for yourself. Which is why I chose the franklin armory pistols.
Yeah I would have never thought there would be AR pistols on the roster either, but good luck actually getting your hands on one. I understand that COVID has caused quite a shortage on guns and ammo, but even before COVID i couldn't find a CA7 anywhere. Franklins website is always out of stock on them, and none of the FFL's ever seem to have them or can get them. So sure its nice they are on the roster, but what good is it if you cant actually get your hands on one.
Im going to pick up a Quentin Defense QD15. They are a bit more accessible than the Franklin armory pistols. They arent on the roster, but then again they are single shot/break top so they dont need to be.
Can you have flash suppressor on it or do you have to change it to muzzle break?
When this state gets invaded all the liberal snowflake douchebags are going to begging for gun owners help. And we're going to have to say sorry I can't help with my single shot 10 round red ryder
Reno, I finally was able to buy a CA7 a few months ago, it took me sometime to track them down and was finally able to. My God did I pay an over priced tag on it, unfortunately it was the only ca7 I could find anywhere… litterally anywhere. Anyways thanks for the content, cheers
Yo! Track jacket bruh…

I'm just sayin' though. Very informative content. Keep doin' yo thang man!
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like going the Franklin Armory route you still have to run a fixed mag setup. But I can't see anyone being excited about a 10 round fixed mag AR pistol so I'm a bit confused
Trying to find someone who can add a gas valve and block or what it needs to make it semi auto but it's very difficult to find a gun manufacture to do it for you… oir else i would have bought one already, anyone know someone in Cali near Riverside Ca.?
So the point of this is video is don’t get caught
they make a gas block with a lever turn gas off singe shoot
turn on gas ( happy days )
$800 for a CA7… times change fast!! One year later and the price is nearly double.
"And you look at the man" not sure if anyone else got a laugh from that part
I assume if you buy it on the second hand market from a law enforcement officer who sold it, you have to convert it a fixed magazine.
This is the windbreaker that you wear in many videos that helped me purchase the one I gifted you. Hope you like it. Thank you for all you do. Take Care Reno May.
Reno I'm moving to California from Indiana. However, I own an AR pistol (Springrield Saint Victor). Would I be able to move here with it? If so do I have to modify it for a fixed mag!??? I mean would an AR pistol count as an off roster handgun? What are my options please help.
What do you think about AR9 Pistols in California?
Hey reno can u please make a review of PCCs that are california legal? Maybe top 10 that are less than $1200 hehe thank u! Ive been learning alot from your vids thank u!
@Reno May, so I’m currently residing in TX. Will be coming to CA in a few months. I’m allowed to bring back my AR pistols as long it has a fixed mag? Planning to get a Juggernaut. TIA
Gunfighter tactical sells AR pistols down here in San Diego. They are about 1700
Pretty confusing holy cow
I keep waiting for that 1 show to come along where you fail to mention are not a lawyer for 5 times and by default you suddenly become a lawyer magically
The only safe gun is one that doesn't work
Wtf is a safe gun
Would it be able to legally own a under a 16 inch barrel in CA to keep in a safe, not to be used?
1989 called; they want that jacket back.
I got my first gun ever through a ppt at 2nd amendment zone! Great people at that place! Once the craziness is over, that will definitely be my go-to shop!
@ 656 ,,, Wait a minute now. If it is a semi auto it has to pass the safty check. But no safty check if it is a single shot. So it isn't about SAFETY after all, Its About Restrictions & Infringement ! ! !
great Video, Reno.. Thanks for the Info.
Great info as always! Loving the content and subscribed! Also, I feel compelled to tell you that the fresh prince of bel air called and wants his jacket back.
I just ordered a rifle from 2nd amendment in southern California =) best store ever!
My mans got that jimmy Newtron + agent smith head
Killer jacket haha
Great video but what about minimum barrel length ?? You went with a 11.5 but can you have a 7.5?
In terms of storage, if I have an AR-15 complete rifle lower (registered as a rifle) and have a pistol length upper that goes with it but is not attached with either of the two pins, the ATF can't bust me for that. Can they bust me if it is broken open and only attached by the front pin? Basically, for storage, if I have a rifle lower and a pistol upper, can I keep the front pin holding them together or do I have to keep them completely separate?
If AR pistols are illegal in CA, why do I see so many local CA gun stores sells AR barrels under 16"? Can people buy from these parts legally or just simply buy them online?
The wrinkles on your forehead, I mean FiveHead are disturbing. Just saying.. looks like Thanos's chin but sideways
I want a AR style pistol in .22 caliper. Any ideas? Can I install a LAW tactical folder on a rim fire pistol?
this is an almost year old post and i just found it….emoji scratching my head
this is the first youtube i followed…emoji thumb up
Can we talk about the wind breaker though?
wtf you wearing, what year is it?
Can anyone tell me if I will have problems PPT at an FFL my unregistered AR Pistol? I brought it here a few weeks back when I moved.
Can you touch on the subject about people who own guns and move to cali on what to do with their guns? Like, if i own a ar pistol, do i just fix mag it and call it gucci? I can guess if i own a ar rifle, i just make it featureless, but i would like clarification on what to do if i purchased an ar pistol out of cali and moved to cali with it
Can you touch on the subject about people who own guns and move to cali on what to do with their guns? Like, if i own a ar pistol, do i just fix mag it and call it gucci? I can guess if i own a ar rifle, i just make it featureless, but i would like clarification on what to do if i purchased an ar pistol out of cali and moved to cali with it
good vid, i recommend z-tactical-arms.com for kits and sights
Basically you need 2500 to 3000ish
I tried to apply for the USNA here in California and at the bottom of the email they send you to confirm you want to go ahead with it there is a paragraph that states you must submit 3 samples to a drop test labratory…Obviously I only wanted to build one so I had to cancel it…It seems this is there new way of making it impossible for average joes to build 80%
Is that a rooftop Korean cosplay?
the roster says that the franklin armory options are all expiring in 2021, is this permanent or is it possible for franklin armory to renew them?
If got three more years of California and I can’t wait to get out!