Home AR-15 Rare Breed Absolute Chads Tell AFT To Pound Sand

Rare Breed Absolute Chads Tell AFT To Pound Sand


Gun control lobbyist David Chipman is incompentent, racist, politically biased, and entirely unsuitable for the office of ATF director. Call these senators and urge them to oppose David Chipman’s nomination:


Joe Manchin, WV
Pat Toomey, PA
Susan Collins, ME
Kyrsten Sinema, AZ
Jon Tester, MT
Lisa Murkowski, AK

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In this edition of ARFCOM News:

AFT decides Rare Breed triggers are machine guns

Fake larper

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  1. Rare breed for the win. And I can assure you I will not have an air soft gun if the time comes I need to be walking around with a rifle. Idiots. Like real gun guys wouldn’t notice it was a toy. Staged nonsense

  2. If I was Rarebreed, I would destroy all transaction records to protect my customers and deny ATF the ability to charge me $400 for every unit sold. Just tell the ATF "Oops, we seem to have had technical difficulties and can no longer find our transaction records! If Hillary can do it, so can we!"

  3. Defund ATF, FBI, CIA and give their budgets to local law enforcement. Besides, the retired agents get jobs in local departments as consultants, creating policies (as well getting paid for selling departments military hardware) for police to get involved in that leads to the mistrust most Americans has right now. As one chief has said, the day we went military, is the day we gave up on Mayberry.

  4. Good to see a company standing up. But I'm having flashbacks to when Dee Snider strolled into congress all confident to give his testimony against the PMRC. We still got warning labels on records. It takes more than one set of balls to turn the tide.

  5. Aren't the orange tips on toy guns legally mandated in some fashion or another? What is the legality of covering it up with a faux paperweight at the end of the barrel? Those cops clearly should have taken this guy down hard just for being a douche bag… 🙂

  6. Not all binary triggers allow hammer follow. Fostech echo AR II and echo AK does the same thing as the FRT to prevent hammer follow. It’s why you need a full auto bolt carrier to use the AR II trigger.

  7. ATF: It is to dangerous for citizens to have a trigger you can pull really fast.

    ***Turns on traditional news outlet***: Members of the Taliban are now in possession of Apache Attack Helicopters.

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