Home AR-15 Rock River Arms AR15 Pistol the RRA LAR 15

Rock River Arms AR15 Pistol the RRA LAR 15


This video takes a look at Rock River Arms AR 15 Pistol 7 inch barrel , the LAR 15 .

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  1. (2:10) "Tightly made." YUP. That's why I love all of my half dozen Rock River AR-10s and -15s. The lower and upper fit VERY TIGHT to each other and there is NO rattle. You also mentioned the trigger. I love their 2-stage trigger. AWESOME.

  2. Wow this thing looks sweet. I absolutely love Rock River but never looked at the pistols. How is the recoil compared to a typical .223 rifle? Thank you for all that you do and your witness for Christ – we need his love and comfort now more than ever in this country

  3. I have one of these sir, had it for around 15 years. Has Yankee hill handguard and Noveski flame (has a sow with fire coming out its mouth-says patent pending) And a Miad grip says Patent pending, so it's an oldie ❤. My question is What home defense round do you run?, blackhills 77grn TMK or Hornady Superformance vmax 53grn?. What others would you suggest sir?. Thanks for your vids, Enjoy them. God bless ❤

  4. you are right, getting on the businesses end on this is no businesses mine nor others. but I still favor a handgun for indoor defensive use based on drywall penetrative in urban setting. but still this is a good rig for a fire fight outside the home environment.

  5. Keep in mind that fired out of a short barrel in an enclosed space with no hearing protection, that a 5.56mm may not be a great choice. Also muzzle flash will be an issue in the dark. I had a Kel Tec PLR-16 and in an indoor range with hearing protection it was insanely loud, and looked like a flame thrower.

  6. I have an 10.5" AR Pistol is it a great travel companion… When I go out of town it goes with me… 5.56/.223 firepower that is covered by my handgun permit when crossing state lines. I have set it up as a home defense option as well very maneuverable through the house.

  7. I like How You mentioned mil-spec isn't always the best. People get too hung up on that and misunderstand that "mil-spec" is the quality and reliability standard that's the best they can get for the military budget. So, the market has alot of "BETTER than mil-spec" stuff out there.

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