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How (and Why) To Change Your AR Pistol Grip | Gun Talk Armorer's Bench


From the Gun Talk Armorer’s Bench: Want an easy upgrade to your AR? Try changing your pistol grip. DoubleStar’s Nick Collier explains how and why you might want to switch from your standard A2 grip.

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  1. A2 grip, best combat grip made for the AR and doesn’t cost anything but the price of the gun. Theres plenty of stuff you can change out but if its setup for combat type applications the A2 is it. Competition, plinking, extreme long distance shooting, ya probably would go with something else. Theres a great video that talks about the benefits of A2 grip. Amazing rite that someone is going against the purchase replace everything craze. Cant remember the channel name exact but am subscribed. Cavalry officer thats the real deal. Search A2 grip it will come up im sure. The people that know what they’re doing use that A1 grip angle. Hogue A1 grip used by Taren Butler for fast effective shooting and only triple crown combat shooting champion. Tells you a lot about how the A1 grip angle puts your hand and fingers in correct configuration to shoot.

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