Home AR-15 Cheap 6.5 grendel build tricks and tips FRANKENBUILD AR15

Cheap 6.5 grendel build tricks and tips FRANKENBUILD AR15

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  1. Can I use the same buff spring. Buffer that came with my lower Ar15 thanks !! PLEASE help got the upper and BCG taken care of I think just wanted to make sure my lower was ok to go 6.5 Grendel

  2. Curious why PSA currently offers 6.5 Grendel uppers with barrels of 20", 18", and 12", but not in 16"? Is there something about 6.5G ballistics that makes 18" significantly more efficient than 16"? maybe related to twist rate and ability to handle the heavier-for-caliber end of the bullets weight range?

  3. I just finished my build. Probably around 600 in the rifle. Spent the money on bolt, trigger and barrel. Bought good controls. On an anderson lower no less! Lol. Put a tract optics response 7.62 scope on it and it shoots tight and sweet. I dont understand why this round isnt more popular

  4. 'Built' one a couple weeks ago … Anderson lower, inexpensive lower parts and buffer/stock, complete Bear Creek upper, Vortex Crossfire …. $500. Love it and will be deer hunting with it.

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