Home AR-15 Find New Love With Your AR 15

Find New Love With Your AR 15


Hey there Tundra Nation and welcome back to the channel today on Tundra Tactical we tell you how to find new love with your ar 15.

We all go through life and find that sometimes our favorite hobbies get a bit stale. Even in the shooting sports our guns can get a little old and dry to shoot. Well we here at tundra tactical are taking on the challenge of telling you how to find new love with your ar 15.

It does not matter if you are a new ar 15 owner or just have a few new ar 15 products, if you follow this guide we will tell you everything you will ever need to know about keeping that love affair with your ar 15 alive and well

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Hey Guys We are Tundra Tactical, If you don’t know by now our job, the way we see it is to make fun of the people products and companies of the firearms industry. Remember that everything we say (almost everything) is in good fun and try not to take too much offense to the roasting.

The Tundra Nation’s content is generated by its fans and most of the official team for The Tundra Nation have been recruited via the discord. If you like the content and want to help create fun YouTube videos make sure to join the discord today!

• find new love with your ar 15
• new ar 15
• new ar-15


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  1. Lol I actually have a Carbon fiber wrapped AR10 barrel sitting around waiting for me to get the rest of the parts. Hilariously the BCG and Receiver set I want actually are out of stock. I swear I'll finish it sometime in the next year.

  2. @1:00 that appears to be a Thompson center contender. I only know this because when I was 11, my grandfather thought it would be fun if I were formally introduced to recoil – so I literally came face to face with a similar flying gun, although i did have a scope that my right eye caught, so it didn't fly quite as far…

    Fast forward 20 years & I still got the eyebrow scar from being bit by the boomstick bug…

  3. I like to get uppers in different calibers and a handful of stripped lowers as “spare parts.” Then I get spare trigger kits, spare pins, and keep some optics and furniture around than kind of suck. Stay with me here…
    Then you assemble the rifle with the terrible optic and furniture so you can complain and get replacements that don’t suck, as bad. I have a BSA red dot I found that every time I need a new optic I put on the gun I want it for. Then take my wife shooting and give her that one. She hates it so much we get a new sight.

    Also my method is awesome for guys who don’t have as cool a wife as I do because this method of slow builds hides the costs and a rifle slowly assembles its self. Remember though it’s not a rifle it is a collection of spare parts you just clip together to keep them in one place. Then when it is a rifle you make sure you have some spare parts still in that spot.

  4. I took careful notes of everything you said in this video and it's really simple. It's a relief that you don't know what the fuck you're doing because I not only also don't know what the fuck you're doing, I can confirm that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing either. I can't even negotiate the point without implying that I do know what the fuck I'm doing and that's obviously never going to work. I can't decide whether to say, well played, or thanks for the knowledge bomb, or go with I told you so, because even that decision would require knowing something about some fucking thing that I don't. I did manage to hit that like button but that's only because I liked stuff about the video and don't ask me which parts because I didn't fucking understand any of it. Building my own AR has never made sense for me because I know me. I'm surprised to learn that I'm uniquely qualified to expand my fuckwittery by merely following the clear guidelines you've laid out here. I'm going to continue watching until I'm sure. Or you are. There's a lot more to say about this but I don't know what it would be. Thanks!

  5. True story. When my son was 14, he and his younger sister went out and made vaguely cube shaped things out of no longer used Lego bricks and sets he had. They then did exactly what you suggested and shot at them. They both enjoyed shooting from a young age so I was a horrible parent and let them do it, (gasp) All By Themselves*. I wasn't *that stupid though, because I didn't let him waste .270 ammo on Legos. Even back then that .270 ammo was kind of pricey. 🤣
    Thinking back now it was kinda bad though.🤔 Destroying hundreds of dollars worth of Legos that could have been donated to someplace like Goodwill so some other parent can enjoy the experience of stepping on them in the middle of the night barefoot. Not only that, it left little pieces of plastic on my range that will probably still be there long after that lead from all the bullets decays and seeps into the ground water supply. Nah, they had fun shooting, and they learned semi-responsible (a joke) gun ownership that they still practice.
    I can confess this now because that was sixteen years ago, and my kids are all moved out adults. So if any "parenting crimes" were committed the statute of limitations ran out (I think) when they moved out. My daughter actually has a carry permit for Washington State. The Lego story is really true. 😎
    Thanks for the great videos man. This channel is the Anti-YM channel because it's always funny as hell and YM just thinks he's funny, but he's not. Take it easy man. 😎

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