Home Nikon 2019 SpaceX Falcon July Launch From Titusville Nikon P1000

2019 SpaceX Falcon July Launch From Titusville Nikon P1000


SpaceX CRS-18 Mission. Falcon rocket launching the Dragon to the International Space Station. July 25, 2019 from Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral. Opening shot with Nikon P1000, tracking shot with Sony AX53 Camcorder. Subscribe to my channel for more upcoming HD Space Coast launches!

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  1. How fast you think it is going?? What the speed it should be?? Base on the website from authorities that is 17,000 mph, which per second that is 4.7222, mps, which the diameter of the rotate shift from your neck of it is moving to align to Nikon that goes up with tracking to rocket at a further distance which the sky diameter is wider than 10 miles or so thru your eye view and camera view. So, from start, the rocket went up slowly based on the ground level and medium level where thee cloud as motion when it goes up and the clouds go down slowly. So, since 4.7222 per second, then the cloud should zoom down and the gap diameter shift from ground level the connect to off the ground should be instant, not slow feet per second, which the feet are same as your head or so, so the mile is higher than feet so the rotate shift will be faster from your head and camera. 

    And in the end, the rocket orients to almost 45 degrees on left or so, so it is not 90 straightforward or relative from negative and positive 10 degrees off upward.

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