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Is the stern 45 upper safe to shoot the 45 supper,45smc. Thanks mike brown
Laughs in EX-2
Like your video!!! That ammo casing failed that would of cost you your life if it was for your life.Awesome video!!! HST get there game up!
Goodness. A guy would have to stand 25 yards away with a butterfly net to catch the brass!
Does anyone know if these uppers will work without the magwell adapter if I just used the Olympic arms 17 round mags instead?
oh did i do very fast?? i m a bad grappler ..lol
3:10 a stray bullet Clint Eastwoods the 2 sodas on the left
Man you can just hear the crisp release of that Geissele trigger. I'm running a 2 stage in my AR and it is just pure magic.
Taylor freelance mag extension. For the standard mags.
Are we going to just ignore the fact that the gun fired while out of battery? I understand the ammunition malfunction that started it, however the gun still fired before it was in battery. Causing the second case to rupture.
@7:15 is the malfunction everyone is talking about
IF you get one of these kits, I would strongly recommend the spikes tac longer heavier buffer (esp for 9mm), otherwise your bolt catch will likely break over time.
More meltdown videos!!!
I love interesting malfunctions! Also, my 45 Stern kit runs VERY well FWIW
It throws that brass like a slingshot!
The brass looks like it would take someone's damn head off lol
great video
God bless trump God bless the USA the greatest country on earth
Looks like there may be too much pressure in the chamber? Possibly the headspace is off?
In a time like this we need a melt down
Hell yeah
I hate nickel plated brass. I reloaded some and the cases were busting from the extractor while ejecting. I've never had a problem with regular brass. Nickel plated brass is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Weak alloy sounds like
Man that 9mm is just waiting for some idiot to put his hand in front of the muzzle
They all fall to the .45 ball. Except for that guy in the donut video who took like 12 .45acp rounds and kept on going. Even had hits to 5 vital organs. It's a handgun, they just aren't as powerful as you would like to think.
Firearm review request: M+M M10-762 AK!
It looks like you'll need to travel to the next county to pick up your brass. No one can say the extraction is weak and that's not suppressed.
Seems like crimping canulars might be a retarded idea.
Wow, I use the Federal 230-grain .45ACP HST +P ammo for my primary defensive loads and have never had that problem!
Do you wish you had not wasted all that ammo on the melt down vids now?
btw maybe the federal failed to a heat issue! Just a theory.
Running something that size, that you can get the same velocity out of in a smaller package with a long slide 1911, not for me. I get the whole extra point of contact thing, trust me, but at that point I’d rather go with 10mm or something
I would definetly let federal hst know about this failure which i am sure you guys did.
Wish they Made a Micro-roni for the FNX-45
Squib load
U gonna do any more melt downs
I wonder with .45 Super what the Chronograph would read with that build?
Hay do you have a shell catcher? How about a video on Catcher's
Can eh lure.
Say it.
The first thing I noticed, at the beginning of the video , was that the extractor was no joke… it threw those cases 10-15 feet… It also ripped that weak case in half. That’s a beefy extractor.