In this video, we destroy fun targets with a full auto CMMG Mk47 featured in the video game “Escape from Tarkov.”
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how to get one, I don't give a shit if it is legal or illegal
This video cost less in ammo. Than it dose for a 4for4 at Wendy’s
This is what I call SCIENCE !!!
I know that smell, it hits you once u cross the Mason – Dixon Line headin' south…..Tis true…

I know this is gonna sound weird, but that gun sounds aggressive AF. Just makes the sounds that make you think, don fk w/ that gun.
No PUBG comment???
Yo a 16’ barrel on one of those would really hit the nice place
You just killed a meal for 12 people to eat and drink and dessert.
Keep them coming
So i went looking for mk47 upper and some sites say discontinued. Any knowledge on that peeps?
I neeeeeeeeed ittttttt
Whew ewww ha haha ha
Darn, I thought this was going to be a melt down video!
Oh thank god. I thought this was going to another one of those stupid videos where he just mag dumps thousands of Rounds into the dirt and tells you "hey look the gun got super duper hot" and this and this happened …no shit Sherlock, the guns are not complex, those "tests" are completely worthless and mind numbing and cringey to watch. If you combined all those meltdown videos, you'd probably have enouph rounds to fend off a forgien invasion on the homefront.
That was amazing, poor watermelons
I thought full automatic was illegal.
Executing innocent waterman on a scorching hot day like today, go away.
I miss the melt down videos
Met a guy running this on Customs the other day
I would keep the laughter down a little bit people might think you're a little bit neurotic and a little well you know weird
Do they come in semi automatic
I really want you to get your hands on a full auto ks47 from PSA I want to see a meltdown video of this and the ks47. I think that would be cool plus you can compare both of them I know cmmg will last longer than the ks47 but I want to really see how close they are. And I want to know what fails on the ks47 so I can upgrade those parts
Hello glad to see Eric here
I don’t think an AR made to use AK mags can really be called an AR-AK hybrid honestly. It’s like calling an AR9 an AR/Glock hybrid because it’s 9mm and uses Glock mags.
Cool! You must be one of those SOTs or something eh? Or maybe you're employed by one? Cuz I notice you got quite a few machine guns that you have access to. You've shown this one off several times now. Anyway, love the videos and I love seeing cool machine guns. I'd love to see this kind of content with an MP7 if you can get your hands on another one >:-)
I can hear the liberals screeching

I want!
I was scared this was a meltdown video from the title
I wish this was longer..
… Wonderful (Adore the Mk47!), big love from England !

I was working but then became mesmerized by the mutant muzzle flash in slo mo…
I need that full auto version
I waited a long time for one of these videos