Why is everyone doing this wrong?
Part Three of this overall build series focuses on upgrading to a STNGR HWK Free Float 15″ Handguard. It was broken up into segments for easier consumption:
Links that you might find helpful after watching this video:
MARINE GRADE 44002 Non Metallic Anti-Seize Compound
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney. I am not a cop (any more). I am not your gunsmith (probably). I am not your firearms instructor (most likely). I am not your spouse. I am not your parent. I’m just some dude on the Internet making videos. It is your responsibility to verify the legitimate application of whatever information or ideas I present. My opinions are my own. They can not be bought. This video is for entertainment purposes only. There is nothing in this video that violates YouTube policy or community standards. I don’t sell guns.
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I found this video to be good info, for the proper way to grease and season along with tourqe position
There is a video on you tube for those who want more of an understanding about tourqe math.. He goes by (the lonestar Patriot) he gives a understanding in-depth look at how the math is done for the torque distance
Running a torque wrench in reverse WILL NOT hurt It at all. It would not have the option built in if it did. Also there is a formula to calculate the right torque specs when using a crows foot. Doesn't matter the position of the crows foot. I work with these tools every day.
A torque wrench does not know it's length, Based off your opinion is if you were to put a pipe on a breaker bar beings your extending the bar it will affect the torque value which is totally incorrect
Yep… Make sure you use the supplied crowfoot wrench in the 90° position using the supplied torque value…(or you actually measure the actual longer combined torque arm length & then mathmatically calculate for the revised torque wrench value or torque wrench value range to use based on your actual measured combined torque arm length and mathematical re-calculation…) Yes, it's far simpler to just turn the supplied crowfoot adapter 90°…!
The crows foot recommendation, I almost understood what you were saying that the torque pounds are measured based on the length to the ratched head. Which I fully get. However, the distance to the pivot (or axis of the wrench adapter) to the handle is unchanged whether the bar is straight or at 90 degrees. There's gotta be a different explanation that makes more sense. Also, if you're using a torque wrench with a break-over that gets you in the proper range of the set pounds, why does it matter the angle used at all besides trying to gain more leverage at the 90 degree to put body weight into it?
The point of seasoning the threads is to stretch the material into their final resting positions, this is where the material will no longer stretch any further and is at its strongest, most rigid, non moving point. You cannot possibly be correctly seasoning the threads with just your bare hands, so for future reference, I would torque to the minimum spec and back off at least 4 times to ensure proper seasoning.
Thank you for making the orientation of the torque wrench adapter, as well as the reasoning behind it, correct and clear. Like you, i never wish to condescend to my fellow firearm enthusiasts but I've certainly ” in the moment” screamed, ” You're doing it wrong!!!” loud enough to have other family members come to my location to see who was getting yelled at.
To be perfectly fair, it was usually some motorcycle maintenance video that drew my ire.
Great advise on the angle. I did mine a couple of days ago. I did put painter's tape on crow's foot to avoid marring the barrel nut. I also painted STNGR logo FDE color to match my FDE upper/lower receivers.
Sorry, but the orientation of the crow's foot really doesn't much matter in this application. Yes, by having it oriented straight, rather than 90 degrees, it does increase the lever arm and thus does increase the actual torque compared to the torque indicated by the torque wrench.
But does it matter in this instance? No, it does not. The torque spec for AR15 barrels is 35-80 ft-lbs. Look at that range again: 35 – 80. That range is HUGE. The difference caused by an incorrectly oriented crow's foot is very minor compared to that range.
Very cool! There’s my “I learned something new today” moment! Not only did I learn the proper way to torque the barrel nut, I learned how a torque wrench works! Great video!
thx 4 the vid, better go loosen ma torque wrench…ha ha…peace
What I don’t understand is you have to tighten until it bottoms out or the piccatinny rail will have a gap between the upper.
If the torque wrench is set to 40 lbs it does not matter what angle the wrench is at, unless you keep cranking away at it after it clicks.
I’d Put Something If Possible, Between Your Tools And Your Piece, To Prevent Marring.
I do have a question for anyone really. I am new at this, keep that in mind.
Can you replace the barrel nut (that needs to be timed), with a low profile none, and not have to change handguards? Do they (barrel nut and handguard) come as a match set? Ok, technically, there were two questions……thanks in advance.
Two very good tips.
Torque =force x moment arm (perpendicular distance from axis of rotation to the line of action, which is where the force is aoplied) and yes, your torque wrench can go out of calibration amor you loosen bolts with it. Thanks!
Nice vid. Thanks man. I literally installed my vypr rail tonight. I'm going to re-do it now because I'm not feeling confident about my anti seize after watching your expert application lol. Not that I run my gun enough to really worry about it but what the heck I've got nothing else to do
Did this guy just butcher a 6721 to put on that cheap rail? Internet geardos are too much!!!
Easy…. They have never been taught the proper premise of TORQUE…!
Shoulda got a pencil barrel
thanks for the info. I did not know twerking was supposed to be done at 90 degrees
I have learned more in the last half-hour than I care to admit too. I am actually running to go loosen my torque wrenches right now. Thanks again.
1st, Hello from ARFCOM.