Caldwell XLA Pivot Bipod for Long Range is one of the best available for the price! If you are looking for a great Bipod, look at the Caldwell. Here is a link if your interesting on one and it helps support our channel.!
Wheeler Gunsmith Screwdriver Set.
Gunsmith Bench Block.
Dead Blow Hammer.
TEKTON Gunsmith Punch Set.
Gunsmith File Set.
Wheeler Scope Mounting Kit Combo.
Wheeler Reticle Scope Level.
Wheeler Barrel Vise.
Wheeler Universal Barrel Clamp.
Rosin Grip for Barrel Removal.
Hook and Pick Set.
Sight Adjusting Tool, Universal.
Trigger Pull Scale.
Wheeler Action Wrench.
Armors Wrench.
Savage Barrel Nut Wrench.
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It sucks
Mine just keep falling off
It's a cheap harris wanna be . If you take your hunting and shooting seriously spend the extra bucks and get the harris . My 40 years years of experience says you won't be sorry.
Thank you. Just came across this video today, because I decided to add a bipod to my Savage 110 High Country. Your honesty and good info convinced me to go with the Caldwell. #appreciated
I am not getting any emails from my subscriptions. It's like YouTube is blocking that function. Thanks for the review. just ordered one.
I thank you for showing how this works. I just bought my first LONG RANGE rifle and it came with one of these never used one of these before. Hood or bed of truck. Sandbags or deer stand rail but no bipod
Thanks for the video! I wanna try this before I pick up a Harris.
i have had two of these one for warranty and they just fall off my Remmington 700 BDL i added a second sling mounting position thinking it was my sling pulling on it not the case …..they mount easy but for the life of me they will not stay in place any advice
I just picked up one in the pawnshop for 18$..
Sub'd. It's nice to see a long range guy who isn't a brand snob
Had a pair of these 10 years ago. Fell apart, no customer service. Yesterday on your recommendation decided to try these again. They would only be used for load development not for hunting. They don't need yo stand up to long hunts. I put them on my gun and leaned into them. They fell off and my $2000 rifle landed on the tile. The Chineese Keychain ring they use to keep this all together cant hold a 9 lb rig. These are made in China, no customer service. Harris are made in USA. Great customer service, good people. I own 3 pairs of Harris and have had 2 of these. These were on my gun for seconds and never again. I wouldn't put these on a 22.
Cant hear much
I just ordered mine! Thanks for the review! (I'm using mine for coyote hunting.)
Awesome videos on the savage build 243. AI
. What fixed power SWFA -SS would you recommend for my savage 12 in 308 cal . I am hunting in pines
and open cutovers . Shots will be 30yards out to 300yards any help would be appreciated. Thinking about the 10×42 

Just came across this video while I was looking for a new bipod. Thanks Vaughn. Spot on as usual.
Thanks for the great review. You are my "Go to" for common sense "Every Man" reviews. It's nice to have a guy like you looking out for us average Joes with mortgages, car payments, and kids. I will be using your link to get my bipod.
Question: Do you also have a link for the SWFA 12 X 42 X 30mm SS scope? I just picked up a Savage 110 tactical in 300 Win mag and thought the SWFA would be a good match. Thanks again.
Harris bipods are American made.
love the review.
If you've got a harris or similar bipod you need to check out these bad boys https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01AILHQL6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1452626402&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=universal+bipod+spikes&dpPl=1&dpID=51-PBCNGI9L&ref=plSrch
Thanks man! Just bought one off your link
Come on, man!
Bought one on your affiliate account. Thank you, hope it “rocks”.
Please don’t use cheap Chinese knockoff Caldwell products!
I call their products Chinawell
Hyporcrite “Patriotic American buys Chinese bipod to save $50”
Bla bla bla talking up a counterfeit knockoff
Best review I’ve seen so far, good job!!!
Great info on the bipod, I was needing one for my Savage 12 lrp.. nice to be able to save 60 bucks
Seen & tried one out at the Range yesterday – IT'S Excellent and functions perfect… on my short order list!
How do u mount this on an ar10 with picitini rail .
Is the stud underneath the tension knob not for fitting your sling????
I have that model but mine has fallen off while shooting rifle is a 308 just seeing if anyone has had an issue
It is important to put a bubble level on the rifle scope when using a bipod
Made in China… pay the extra cash and support your country
very well done
The one I had broke so I bought a Harris. The Harris is more money because it is made of better material.
I agree I have 3 of the exact bipods an there the real deal….
Thinking about getting this for my dad for christmas is the pivot handle worth buying or does it work easy enough without it?
Will the pod lock lever fit this model like the Harris?