Home CMMG Our Freedoms are Under Attack – Defend the 2nd

Our Freedoms are Under Attack – Defend the 2nd


ATF document leaks, proposed rule changes, and a horrible choice for ATF Director are just a few ways that our beloved Second Amendment is under attack.

Link to The Truth About Guns’ story on the leaked ATF Document:

Link to comment on Definition of Frame or Receiver change:

Link to comment on proposed rule for Firearms with Stabilizing Braces:
Contact your Senator:
Contact your Representative:

Please stand up and help us fight! We are all in this together and we will only win by standing together!

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  1. I'm a disabled veteran who enjoys shooting which takes a stabilizing brace I've commented several times on the different rules they are trying to get into law/ rules. I have my representative on speed dial lol

  2. Have they even one case where an 80% built gun was ever used in a crime? I doubt it.
    Criminals don't build 80% guns cause it costs money. It actually cost more than buying a ready made gun.
    People build guns to customize them to their liking and satisfy that urge to learn how to do things and and do them well.

  3. Hello , blessing to you have a full auto four (4 ) , thank , large order get them down wind and flame throwers, …….make sure they don't out the cork. Put up the blast shield. …..semper fi .God bless America and her people 3

  4. Fight with your voice the best you can.
    But just remember it only postpones the inevitable so be prepared to fight for your god given rights… With your god given rights.

  5. Part of me wonders what if we all just started suing individual employees in middle and upper management at the BATFE to just start ruining their lives and see how they feel about it. I'm done with complying. I write to the BATFE with the public comment on regulations that they don't even legally have the right to make, get ignored, Congress does nothing to stop them… I'm done. If this passes, I'm buying a GhostGunner/milling machine.

  6. My MKG-45 is in fine working order, with a binary trigger installed.
    I'm not giving the government my guns. For ANY reason.
    If they want to make me an outlaw, I'll start doing outlaw things… to THEM!
    I've had about all of the tyranny I'm gonna take.

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