Home AR-15 LWRC IC-SPR AR15 5.56 Short Stroke Piston Unboxing & Review

LWRC IC-SPR AR15 5.56 Short Stroke Piston Unboxing & Review


In this video, we discuss the LWRC Individual Carbine – Special Purpose Rifle (IC-SPR) with Short Stroke Piston gas system. We showcase the features of LWRC’s design and the many improvements over standard run of the mill military specification rifles. We also show the operation of the piston system itself in comparison to direct impingement rifles. To round out the video, we deliver our review and opinion on LWRC’s product.


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  1. Nice Ar15 but paying 2k plus for one is BS. I have a bushmaster & diamond back that I can hit center mass all day out to 400 meters with iron sights. My bushmaster has a pistol kit from areas defense that only cost me $275

  2. Hey Shannon, I'd hate to ask you if this, but since I know you are one of the few that actually read your comments (which I greatly appreciate), do you think you can do a break down of this gun for a normal cleaning after a days at the range. Like what needs to be taken apart, what should be cleaned, oiled, greases up, etc? That would be awesome if you had some free time to do that. I'd greatly appreciate it. I like how thorough you are and how you clearly explain everything! Thanks! Lmk. I appreciate it!

  3. What do you mean by pistón driven model? what are qd cups too? Sorry for the dumb questions, just want to learn about it…I bought one today but because of the background waiting check it took a while and they were closing so therefore I have to go back on Monday and pick it up but came on to YouTube to see a review on it and learn more about it. Please fill me in and teach me more about it thank you so much. And what's the difference between the piss and driven and the gas driven?

  4. is the gas block adjustable for suppressor setting ?. i dont find any video that explain it.. is it same with pws or mcx that can adjust the gas setting ? if it non adjustable, will it overgass when suppressed ?.

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