Home CMMG Top 5 Under Appreciated Semi Auto Rifles

Top 5 Under Appreciated Semi Auto Rifles


Within this modern firearms renaissance we are blissfully living through, a few older designs were bound to be overlooked. In this list, we look at five rifles that were extremely popular and/or historically significant in their heyday, but have been overlooked almost entirely by a generation of shooter despite often being priced quite low (as low as $500-600 in some cases)!

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Please watch: “H&K PSG1 Sniper Rifle Overview”


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  1. that first one or a variant of it was one that I was eyeing up at _______ in ______. I cant say it was mint but sure was beautiful and I would've bought had I not bought silver bullion and old silver collectible grade coins right before I stopped in. 2 years ago things were of different importance of what to stock up on. The 2nd rifle I'd seen years ago for almost nothing but I knew nothing about. about 4 years ago at a gun and knife show they had one that was selling for far less than the M1 GARAND is today. FN FAL was the best part of this video and the first but ammo is almost special order on that one.

  2. I cannot wait till I can afford a production staff to help me with my videos. Learning video editing has got to be one of the biggest learning curves I have ever experienced I just don’t seem to take to it as well as I did programming

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