Quick first impressions of the brand new upper assembly I ordered from CBC Industries. Unfortunately, there seem to be a few issues with this upper assembly which I’ll describe in the video. Really hoping CBC’s “Lifetime Warranty” will make things right because so far I’m not very impressed.
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The reason why your dust cover kept opening is because you have an actual “ghost guan” it shooting even though its dead. Lucky find.
On my 6th Upper from CBC and have never any problems. You must have one of the biggest one offs. Hard to believe all these problems on 1 upper.
The uppers I've encountered are great.
The other stuff not a biggie but dust cover would piss me off I'd return it. Thanks for the review cause I was about to get one
Mines is still in great shape and I luv it!
Do you have an update on this? I am looking to buy a CBC kit and would like to know if there customer service is up to par
Just received mine a few days ago. Ordered before seeing this video, but luckily none of the issues you have are there on mine. So far happy with it, but have only put a few rounds thorough it.
Just bought one came in today I loved it
I have several uppers from CBC
It’s hit or miss
One might shoot 1 moa, others might be 3.5 to 4
Budget uppers – $299 with bcg at the time of my purchases aren’t going to have the quality control as say Rock River or BCM
I ordered a bolt from them about a year ago, the gas key was bent downward. They're customer service was pretty good, sent it in and they replaced it so I can't complain too much.
Good video, very informative. Liked and subscribed.
wow el-Crapo! they should have just sent you a new one that they inspected first not like it's got a s/n and then you could make "look how happy I am with my new upper video's " remember the golden rule of retail , if you don't take care of your customers then someone else will ……
I noticed the hand guard and receiver don’t line up right… the rail has a not noticeable rise to when you get to the hand gaurd
I can confirm that a year later, they have NOT improved at all.
I received mine quickly, but it was GARBAGE. One of the roll pins was smashed into it's hole, it was poorly finished… oh did I forget to mention it came WITHOUT a bolt carrier group.
It's been two weeks and I still haven't received it. After trying repeatedly to get some kind of resolution, they offered me 10% off my next purchase(never gonna happen), and a free roll pin.
I wouldn't get another CBC upper if it were given to me for free.
Bought a complete 20" upper from them, received it with the gasblock completely off center and the acorns stripped off. Contacted them about the new screws told me to ship it to them on my dime. Not gonna happen over some 50 cent screws. Next up after loads of money and trips to a gunsmith figured the reason gun won't fire correctly was the barrel was "picky on ammo" changed lowers, springs buffer weights gas blocks and bcgs. Barrel is trash. Customer service was trash to
I got the ar9 upper recently and works fine but did have an issue with the charging handle stuck when i first got it had to really hit it hard to unstick it
I've got a 16" rifle kit from them . Accurate but will not eject steel also have had some double feed issues with brass.
All you can do is have a gun smith custom make a longer detention pin and install back on the dust cover
if you want a quality product, cough up the dough and buy from a quality company.
just recieved my upper today. didnt get my BCG with the order but i was made aware that its on its way. so far i e-mailed them once just about status and i was gladly contacted 2 times within an 8 hour period to inform me of the status. also since the BCG wasnt shipped with it..theve discounted my next order by 10%. ive had nothing but wonderful times with cbc. maybe its cause they are slaving on getting these things out in these times. or maybe some stuff was simply overlooked or rushed. all together it was about 4 weeks from order to delivery. and im happy with them. now to figure out what ammo best matches it.
use a dremel–thats what they may do
Just received my 16" upper, it is a complete upper with BCG and complete lower parts kit. No gap between upper and handgaurd and rail lines up perfect, finish is nice no flaws, everything was tight and the way it should be. This is my second CBC upper, I liked the accuracy and reliability of the 1st so much bought a second. we'll see how she shoots soon.
mine was and is in excellent shape. I love it. Bought 3 years ago, Thanks CBC.
Literally won't shoot mine and selling it rather than wait another 3months. Disassembled it and had to go buy parts to feel semi good about selling it. Colossal failure. Should've believed the reviews