This week on TGC News, Jon Patton is talking about rapid fire with new guns and carry laws, Smith & Wesson might be moving, and a bank security guard saves lives!
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● 2017 TGC Panel at NRAAM:
● This week’s GGWG story:
● N. Dakota Constitutional Carry:
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Krale – Frontier (ft. Jasmina Lin & Jay Christopher) [NCS Release]
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I've shoot an airgun before ….but it is so easy to just blast away with infinite ammo it is not a good way to train …plus it just hurts a little when you get hit that it begs you totake unrealistic chances…it is like paintball for pussies!
If the Bank security guard shot the guy in the back as he was running out the door, he's in trouble…
YEP! Of course I was active duty spec-ops!!!
As a young guy growing up in California I hadn't trained for anything. I was working in a Target in Sacramento and a lady ran into the store saying that someone was dragging a lady through the parking lot. Without any thought of the issue I jumped over the counter and ran out the door. A guy was trying to get an old Russian ladies purse from her and she wasn't letting go. I yelled "Hey motha fuc***" to the guy and he ran off. Fortunately he just ran. I have no idea what I would have done if he had decided to fight. I was like 16 or 17.
Ruger is making a new gun? What Kel-Tec pistol are they copying this time?
The perp that tried to rob the bank screwed up by walking in the bank with guns a blazing. The guard did a great job protecting himself and everyone else. It may have turned out much different if the perp entered the bank calmly and took control of the guard after assessing the situation. It seems to me the perp was an inexperienced hot head that paid the price. Great job by the security officer!
I am a Missourian and very proud of Battenfeld located in the middle of our free 2nd Amendment state, home of MIZZOU. I own many of their products. Now hearing we may host S&W, Missoura will giving out a warm welcome. We will preciously protect the 2nd Amendment by strongly supporting companies like S&W and Battenfeld. If all goes well, Springfield Armory may see the light and leave that anti 2nd Amendment bankrupt state and move next door to Missoura. You too Ruger, if you're feeling lonely come on down. we'll protect ya.
In my opinion if you haven't trained for stuff going sideways you haven't really trained… I train to manipulate and shoot long and handguns with either single hand, manipulate and shoot two handed but with my non dominant hand as the shooting hand with long and handguns, shoot from every awkward position that I can conceive of, shoot with my dominant eye closed, etc. The more you train for weird stuff like that the more able you will be to have good reflexes and/or come up with an effective workaround on the fly when something that you hadn't even thought of yet happens…
Some of the most valuable training I've had in my life was situational sim-munitions training.
my favorite situational awareness drill: set an alarm randomly on your phone by closing your eyes or having someone else do it. when your pocket buzzes, do you have an immediate escape route in mind?
airsoft is a great way to train, especially with a pistol. you can easily get one that fits your carry holster and then train in the backyard or basement and on the cheap. plus it's fun (and yes, I have both, including NFA stuff.)
I played Airsoft for several years. While I did not perform any actual training scenarios that mimicked potential real life encounters, it taught me tons of stuff about guns that can translate to real steel. The safeties on Airsoft guns function, the disassembly of them is true to the real version, and changing mags/manipulating the firearm are the same. For example I had an M9 clone where the mags were weighted to the same weight as a real 9mm magazine fully loaded. The hammer functioned the same and the slide could be manipulated like a real M9. Because of all this, you can use the same gear to train with too. Even if the battles are fun and over the top, someone in the military could use their actual plate carrier/holster and learn the muscle memory associated with mag changes/unholstering, etc. Airsoft is kind of like practicing your AR-15 skills with a .22 conversion only its even cheaper and you get to shoot your buddies!
I took a class called "The Fight" with Tactical Response in Camen, TN. It's 2 days of being put in various every-day situations when something bad happens. The class is done with Glock 17s and paint rounds (simunition). I have not visited an ATM since taking this course.
It is utterly counterproductive for gun rights supporters to promote firearms industry divestment from states like CA, MA or NY. These states hold huge populations and wealth, and gun supporters should support gun rights in these states rather than just mock their populations as a whole. Industry investment and constructive public information in these states would do much more to support gun rights than trying to isolate them, abandon them, and turn them into non-recalcitrant enemies.
Yay for my homestate ND!
As a resident of Missouri I welcome Smith&Wesson and any other firearms manufacturers to this great state
as a Matter of Fact Yup! I Have Trained For Shtf Moments!. in My Personal Opinion, I Believe it to be the Best & Most Effective Type of Training! & IF done Proficiently, It Will Improve All Other Shooting Disciplines!..
Umarex garbage CCP doesn't work… I'm Shocked.
Im shocked they didnt move years ago.
Air soft…..really?
I don't normally feel empathy for criminals, but that scenario was so chaotic; even the robber didn't seem sure of himself
How does the constitutional carry law apply for military personnel? Are they considered apart of the state residents?
Yes, I have had situational training. Not nearly enough. More training!
I have tried out airsoft weapons before. To simulate at least a little bit of recoil, get gas blow-back. The Glock ones I have tried feel like a lower recoil version of the real thing. The only gas blow-back in rifle form I have found was the S&W one. I have not found an AKM gas blow-back. If I ever do, I will purchase it for training. I wish there was more of those types.
1) No, I'm not boycotting S&W, they still make solid guns and support constitutional rights.2) Yes, but that's because I'm a sheriff's deputy and we have to respond when things go wrong and most other people are trying to GTFO.3) Airsoft is great for when I want to shoot someone and not hurt them too much. Ballistics aren't anywhere near the same, but grabbing a drink or dinner after a few rounds builds camaraderie like few things can.
that new outdoor plant is being built in Columbia MO. Midway USA, and the university of Missouri are in the same town
I will totally move back to MO if S&W goes there.
I would like to see ALL gun makers move out of New England and NY.
I use air soft to practice for USPSA as well as "Tactical Timmy" type activities. It's great. Tactrainers makes some cool competition targets for air soft.
Bottom line: it has its limitations, but pros outweigh the cons.
Airsofter! In Portugal it is the only way!
Even the Sheriff's deputy's pistol had a failure mid fight (two shots, click, slide dance then more bag) because he seemed to be fighting to get a good grip on the weapon. Might be an object lesson for the pistol set ammo obsession. Things don't always happen like the training video… Wonder if there is a safe way to simulate trying to fight when you loose your grip?