Home Nikon LIVE – Orion Abort Test (Nikon P1000)

LIVE – Orion Abort Test (Nikon P1000)



The test’s four-hour launch window opens at 7 a.m. EDT Tuesday, July 2. A test version of the crew module will launch from Space Launch Complex 46 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
Ascent Abort-2 will verify Orion’s abort system can pull the crew module away from an emergency during its ascent to space. During approximately three minutes of flight, a booster will loft the test capsule about six miles into the atmosphere to experience high-stress aerodynamic conditions, at which point the abort sequence will be triggered to carry the crew module a safe distance from the rocket. The test flight will help ensure the safety of astronauts in the unlikely event an emergency arises as they rocket into space.

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  1. Awesome footage. But that death roll, no parachute and that high speed splashdown… I doubt anyone could have survived that. Luckily it was a test.

  2. Well done Red! Epic splashdown catch at the end.
    The audio was eerie. The human voices and swamp life in the background sounded clear, but the rocket sounded like an underwater alien. 😱

  3. Great camerawork Red! A few things I'd like to ask your opinion on;
    1. Was the capsule on fire briefly as it fell, and was this due to expected heat or from the escape tower?
    2. No parachute system included in the test, or did it malfunction??

  4. lol There's the Boat! Again,And the flash of the strobes! And the Birds! Again!,It'd be CGI right there. You've gotta play the Cows running, and those flames! there's no shadow! This might fool 99% of people all the time but I'm certain (well at least 20%) l can't be arsed to go to Florida to see for myself, Again; but I know how to bullshit my way. It's just a light in the sky.but the bottom line is. Real time streaming of A CGI pre-recorded livestream. Na-Uh.
    Well done RR. That WANKER RV can go do one. Glad you booted the prick.

  5. See?? There's your proof of the flat frisbee's dome! The pretty rocket crash into it and exploded! And it's good quality glass as it didn't even leave a scratch on it!

  6. So sad that people disliked this. This has nothing to do with flat earth because thats obv who thumbs down these vids and livestreams. How can you dislike a rocket going up and coming down?

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