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0:00 The Best Holosight
1:04 Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II Holographic
1:26 EOTech EXPS3 Holographic
3:26 Holosun HS510C Red Dot & LEUPOLD LCO Red Dot
4:09 Holographics VS Red Dots
7:00 Vortex on DSArms SA58 [Live Fire & Reticle]
9:20 EOTech on DD MK18 [Live Fire & Reticle]
10:51 Battery Life
12:07 Holosun on CZ EVO 3 S2 Scorpion [Live Fire & Reticle]
13:51 Leupold on LWRCI [Live Fire & Reticle]
15:30 Recap
17:58 Win The Fix by Q!
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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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what about the SIG series of holographic sights? I see such little press for them even though everyone loves the Romeo5 RDS
I really needed this video I just this week realized I have a strong astigmatism in both eyes. I had no idea that anyone saw anything different.
Like the Red Dots better…
I know that all of your videos are just elongated, flashy commercials/advertisements… and yet I keep watching. Every time.
Man I want one of those FAL’s! If only they weren’t 2K!
Vortex reticle is better for sure.
I watched my coworker take a hammer to his 510c for the sake of demonstrating its durability and I was sold.
If you have astigmatism then use a red dot or prism optic. Holographic sights and astigmatism don’t mix haha
I believe the flickering you're talking about on the LCO is called refresh rate. It can also be referred to as pulsing.
That FAL / UH-1 combo is beautiful. Future giveaway?
What ear pro are you using?
I use backup iron sights because the internet demands it!!
That intro music sounds just like that mechanic who ties rubber chickens to exhaust pipes…..
Holographic sights are cool and all I even have a one but I'm a red dot guy. I'm also a giveaway guy and the new one kicks ass!!!
That binary trigger is the forest thing I’ve ever seen.
I've committed to not buying Anything made in China, which includes holosun products. If the majority of people do the same and join us, it's a major step in taking our country back.
Why did they discontinued the lco?
Clint, why do you run quad rails on your ARs? I just think they are so bulky and uncomfortable. It’s impossible to use all that rail space even with your tacticool load outs.
Genuine question. Was just wondering if you knew something I didn’t know or if it was another “because, why the heck not” moments.
Wonder what Clints opinion is on the mepro line, specifically the Mepro MOR.
No love for aimpoint!?
Great video very helpful to have a shooters eye view of the reticles! Thanks
Is it considered reliable if you can’t rely on it to have a long battery life?
If I had a firearm or firearm accessories company, Clint would be my ideal spokesperson. I would be very surprised if Clint doesn’t occasionally get offers from other companies
The Q is absolutely beautiful! Great job brother!
When will there be a viable solar option on Holo sights
That scope isn't big enough…..I'm throwing space telescope on my rifle I'm aiming for red rocks on Mars baybeee!!
Clint needs to offer some training cause man he can shoot!
Binary triggers are overrated
What sunglasses are you running?
Zombies, alien mechs, nuclear war: Clint is taking his MK18
Before I even watch the video his best choice is gonna be eotech. Callin it now
$20 Pinty sights from Amazon FTW lol
Love my holosun 510c because my astigmatism. Was going to go for a eotech looked at the reticle it was all the way fuzzy the ring and the dot in the middle.
IS this a real question? lol
Super sexy!
Buying a radian model 1 when they come back in stock, so if I see you at the range, I'll stop by and let you shoot it.
Happy with my E O Tech's. I'm good with the Dot and Ring reticle.
Eotech is my favorite