Home AR-15 Bushmaster AR-15 Accuracy Problems | Bulk Load Revisited with 55gr Hornady FMJ...

Bushmaster AR-15 Accuracy Problems | Bulk Load Revisited with 55gr Hornady FMJ and H335 | Part 2


I try for the THIRD time to get decent groups out of the Bushmaster AR-15 16″ with 1/8 Twist.
So far, 3 different shooters have shot my Handloads at MIN – MAX ranges and also have shot IMI Factory Ammo.
Everything is grouping terrible now in this rifle and I’m trying to figure out what is going on.

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  1. Some observations; food for thought. I’ve used H335 since the 90’s. 55 gr FMJ. Right on the label 25.3 grains. Used it in 1-9 and 1-7 twist barrels. 10 1/2 “, 16” and 20” barrels. Started with factory ammo and ran the seating down to match. Hornady 55 FMJ is cannelure bullet, crimp it. That being said, yes I’m aware Hornady and several other sources say 2.220 for OAL. I’m not buying. As Al said, this may be your problem. Most everything I load ends up around 2.247. I’ve checked my chamber with an OAL gauge and subtracted the .020, getting me in the sweet spot. All barrels and chambers are different, check yours. Also, check your torque on the scope, I’ve had rounds react like yours knowing the cartridge was fine – my scope was loose and moving. Trim your brass to 1.750 and full length resize. Just saying and good luck. Hope you get better results.

  2. How does the gun group with factory ammo. I have had good luck with Fiocchi 55gr reasonably inexpensive bulk ammo in all 3 of my AR's may give you an idea if it's the gun. I am starting to load h335 myself with 55 gr everglades version 2's hoping to get good results good luck with your testing hope you get it figured out.

  3. could be your rifle barrel is crap try a diff rifle if you can… your barrel is shot out ? have you cleaned your barrel wth a good copper remover such as gunslick pro, foaming cleaner?

  4. Have you tried magnum primers with H335? The Speer reloading manual calls for them!! I have had really good 100yd groups with 24.5g H335 cci 450 primers. I have also had problems with not firing using H335 and wolf primers!! Was using Wolf because that was all you could get at the time. Hope that helps!!

  5. 24.8gr Win 748 and Berry's 55gr is my pet load. Great accuracy. I had some free 55gr Hornady projectiles from a rebate and they didn’t shoot well for me. What OAL are you seating to? Are you long with the ogive Of the Hornady projectiles for your barrel?

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