Home AR-15 BCA 16" 5000 Round Upper Receiver Review – Best Budget AR-15 Rifle...

BCA 16" 5000 Round Upper Receiver Review – Best Budget AR-15 Rifle Upper – Teardown and Setup


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This is my 16″ Bear Creek Arsenal Upper & Palmetto State Armory Lower “$500 “Civilian rifle”. I go through everything that goes into this build if you want to setup something similarly. also, let me know what you would change or what you did differently. After 5000 rounds this build is still kicking and is running perfectly. I don’t do a whole lot of maintanence so having it continue to run reliable is very cool. Also, very inexpensive build.

Upper: $170
Lower: $130 (not including transfer fee)
UTG 1-8x with BG4 Reticle: $135
Mount: Included
Light : $30
Foregrip: $15
Muzzle Device: $20
2-Point Sling: $5

Total: $515

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Most of my Lowers are Palmetto State Armory as they are cheap (under$130) and have worked flawlessly. all of my triggers are rack grade Mil-Spec, nothing special. I have 2 Bear Creek (BCA) uppers, a Palmetto state (PSA) “big boy” upper and 2 custom uppers. I specialize in High value options for your everyday Joe & Jane in the recreational scene.

PS: I am not a pro, keep that in mind.

Twitter: Focustripp (Only post new video Links)

If you read all of this I hope you have a Wonderful Day… Filthy Animals…

Music: Jura Puclin – Phantom Chase
Music provided by: MFY – No Copyright

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  1. I’m going with this exact set up for my first rifle, would you recommend a H2 buffer with the flat wire spring to help with the overgassing issue resulting in extracting at about 1 o’clock??

  2. Have their 7.62×39 in the same configuration as your 223. I shoot sub moa with steel case ammo, 2.5" or smaller groups with just a red dot at 100, and have 1200 rounds thru it without mechanical issue. I did have issues with magazines I was using and I had like 3 ftf due to light primer strike with steel ammo. Neither are the guns fault. The firing pin could be considered a gun failure but they say not to use steel and I only had issues with steel so its 50/50. A $10 enhanced 7.62 firing pin and some CPD 28rd mags and 800 rounds no issues. Very pleased for $219

  3. Why the hell would you go with a shorter barrel? You do understand that 556 round needs barrel length to do what it does right? I dont get the appeal of shorter barrels i would take velocity over the manueverablility of a shorter barrel anyday. I carried a 20in barrel in iraq and could clear rooms pretty good with it, to me its not worth letting go of that velocity, its stupid. I love Bca execpt for the fact that they had a house full of illegal immigrants working for them when they were busted by ice, besides that no complaints.

  4. My buddies bca had the bolt shear where the cam pokes through it. Its either these guns are tanks, or they get 2 mags done before they die. The signs that the damage is happening can be seen on the teeth of the bolt, the finish will start to come off where the bolt is pulled against the barrel extension.

  5. shot a lot of steel and dont exactly know how you come across them being harder on barrels. The only logical way its possible is if the steel cases are harder than the barrel itself, which would mean you got a super cheap barrel.

  6. Great video as usual. I love seeing long term reviews of budget (well, not mainstream I should say) rifles. It helps offset the "it's Chinesium crap and will kill you" argument a bit.

  7. You should get BCA to hook you up with a 6.5 Grendel upper for review. Inexpensive Arms has reviewed the accuracy of multiple BCA barrels. Despite 3 attempts with different barrels and lots of different ammo, he can't get any good accuracy out of them. I'm not sure what's going on with BCA developing barrels for 6.5 Grendel but it appears to not be working at all

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