Home AR-15 Ben Shapiro Doesn't Understand the AR 15

Ben Shapiro Doesn't Understand the AR 15


The AR-15 is an extremely popular firearm in the US and the AR Pistol is an extremely popular configuration. President Biden wants to treat AR Pistols like short barrel rifles, an NFA-regulated firearm. Ben Shapiro explains the errors in the president’s justification, but makes one error himself. We’re here to clarify.

Don’t miss Ben Shapiro’s video here:
Rifle Recoil Energy Data:
Pistol Recoil Energy Data:

Disclaimer: Do not attempt any stunts seen on this channel. Actors are trained firearms professionals. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions. Minors should not handle firearms without parental supervision. This video may contain affiliate links.

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  1. Love your videos and reviews on rifles, dislike anything ar15 related! Assault rifles "Ar15" are deadlier than any other rifle and are so customizable for easier TACTICAL and accurate use! hense why there the go to gun for sick people to use to harm people. They were created/developed for the MILITARY not personal use! Keep them in the military! Just my opinion on them, I'm a sportsman and any true sportsman has no use for one!

  2. Ben Shapiro is no firearms expert, and he definitely should have consulted someone who was before he spoke on it for sure. He is a firm supporter of the bill of rights. So he gets an A for effort.

  3. I never once thought the stabilizing brace was for a able-bodied person. The brace is for someone whose been handicapped, like a veteran who lost the use of their other arm or full control of it. Now there's a pistol brace that's for a regular handgun that unfolds like a mini stock. My father is a Marine who is losing control or strength of his arms but loves to shoot. He uses a brace because he's older with shoulder problems and it's hard for him to hold a pistol out in front if himself for periods of time, so he holds it like a mini rifle with one hand….You got to look into the products and learn why their needed, how they're used, who uses them and how they're beneficial to the people who actually need them.

  4. Instead of teaching neutral gender in grade schools basic firearm handling and ballistics should be taught
    Then even crazier how about the original constitution of U.S.
    Glad you boys are up and posting thank you

  5. For those of you in the comments please remember these people tried very hard to maintain political neutrality while still trying two further educate people about firearms when There is so much confusion especially on the political side

  6. we are under attack here in Canada too!! Our government has taken a hard line on firearms here, telling us that a firearm that has never been used in a crime in Canada and isnt something that is acquired by criminals is a danger to public safety! They didn't debate it they didn't take it to a vote the just signed a paper and instantly has made all law abiding citizen who own one of these firearms a criminal over night!!

  7. Haven’t seen any of y’all’s videos in a long time. Now you come out against an ally. No need to strain a camel to get to the gnat. Come on guys! Where is the gun reviews, hunting, and shooting? Biden is moronic. Ben is on our side!

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