Home CMMG AR-9 on a Budget Part 2: Barrels, Bolts, and Buffers

AR-9 on a Budget Part 2: Barrels, Bolts, and Buffers


In the second part of the AR-9 on a Budget series, Hop talks about BCGs, buffer weights, barrels, and how to tune a reliable AR-9 for cheap.

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Palmetto State Armory PA-9
CMMG Banshee

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  1. I say the exact same thing “this is the dumbest gun I own.” when asked why I simply pull out the “maybe this will work” box of endomags, bolts,buffers,spacers, springs,adapters for a not so much budget range toy. Using the KAK adapter with metalform mags and h3 buffer and a spikes buffer spacer and works great but could have just bought a CMMG after dicking around with the dumbest gun I own.

  2. Having same issues with my new build ran 5.6oz buffer with issues just got extended ar 9 buffer 8oz gonna go try it on the range this week but will take my standers 3oz to see wich one will work video was very helpful

  3. hop, any advice on how to run an A5 buffer tube, extended AR 9MM bolt (8 oz), spacer to reduce bolt travel, with whatever spring? not sure if i should use an A5/rifle length spring, or a carbine length spring.

  4. Great series. It seems like "budget builds" and AR9 requires quite a bit of fiddling around. Hopefully these videos steer people in the right direction. How would you rate reliability and value of an AR9 vs. a Glock in a Roni kit?

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