Professional 3-gun shooter Ryan Muller shows us how to quickly reload an AR-15 for competition shooting.
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LOLOL, I thought this was a video about "Reloading", not placing a mag into my AR….LOLOL
I am 11 Years old and i almost know every gun reload from video games
Being out of the Army im curious on this title. Its a pretty simple task so…
Ok done watching video. You shouldn’t need to look at the gun to reload it first off. 45 degree tilt is adding step. Your hand will naturally track to the non tilted rifle. Your mind should already know where the gun is. Your under a second or two which the mag drop and reload should be done at the same time. Not a back idea on hand motion to drop the bolt though. Training is key and minimizing steps is important. Should be grabbing the magazine as your dropping the empty one.
If you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Why is the muzzle brake canted?
You forgot that some of us are left-handed.
Question for Ryan: what’s a good shot to shot par time for an emergency/bolt lock reload?
Damn, I've been loading rounds into the chamber one at a time, had no idea what the mag was for until now. Very informative tbhwu.
What a stupid video.
Is a BAD Lever not allowed in 3 gun? Also, you don't have to fuck around with checking the magazine seating on a closed bolt if you put 28 rounds in the magazine.
Love you

Practice, practice, practice….build up that muscle memory until it becomes second nature!
Press the mag release and then put a new mag in it, boom