Full Size Stream light switchblade:
Strion Switchblade:
Gearwrench 90T Sets:
Cushion Grip:
Gorilla Grip Gloves:
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Giveaway winners will be announced April 2nd 2020
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Love stream light, but like you said its night the brightest for the uv light. I use my pen light from streamlight.!!! Love the giveaway!!
I had one of those bigger Streamlights for a few years and loved it. Until one day last summer I stuck it to the side of my service van and forgot about before driving back to the shop and it was gone forever. Went back and searched for it for an hour, couldn't find it. Replaced it with the Snap-on ECARD062HV light. I've been happy with it, the twice as expensive price tag was the biggest down side. I do miss the two different color LEDs and the UV LED of the Streamlight. I do also wish the magnets were stronger on the Streamlight, I remember it falling off all the time when I had it stuck to equipment.
I just got hired at a dodge dealer ship 2 months ago was so excited ..but with this hole Corona thing they laid off halfe the guys:/ ..how the dealership where u at ?
Thanks for the great vid! I love tool porn lol. Might have to pick up those Streamlights.
Great video . Thanks for sharing. I sent u a message Instagram . My name is Devan.
Great video! All very nice tools. I know you use a lot of snap on, but you should do a video of the snap on tools that you really need to have. Such as you can go cheap with picks, but maybe a set of wrenches you need snap on.
Very nice Giveaway
Cobra ratchets do have true 160 teeth
The lights are nice like the stream light switchblade features
Nice tools of the week
Coming from the UK South Wales
I'm a apprentice mechanic and always watch your vids always looking for a nice ratchet set but they don't do gear wrench over here
would love a set sent to me to try
your awesome mate
The lights seem pretty good and my favorite rachet is the matco 88 locking flex head I have different sizes of them and have snap on, but always grab my matco first.
Thank you! I’m in the process of turning my van into an off road van and would love one of these wrench sets.
Those gearwrench ratchets can take some abuse
Should turn down the background music
Awesome I'm love the gearwrench ratchets
The snap on Dual 80 utilizes 2 pawls, but one is for reverse and one is for forward. Still my favorite brand of ratchet.
Awesome video!
New to your channel thru FB – loving the big box!!
This was a good nifty tools of the week those ratchets look pretty nice!
Switched to the Matco 88's – they are awesome!
If my braun harbor freight light goes out I’m def cop’ing a stream light blade
i think it's great doing the give away for you followers,it shows you are a big hearted . people like that are few but you show that there some left,thanks for another great video keep them coming! one last thought is for a give away how about taking a subscriber to some thing like sema?
you should check out hf's quantum pen light,dam thing is pretty bright. i keep it in my pocket all the time and so far its taking a brutal beating so far.